Supporting CODE Was A Mistake

It’s not about you Aiko, it’s about you are basically the leader of all of the suicide gankers in Hi Sec, you are responsible for those under your command as leader.

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Ok, for starters, the person who allegedly said something inappropriate wasn’t even a ganker. They aren’t even from Highsec.

Why are you more upset over this than the supposed victims?

Why are you holding me responsible for someone I have literally no connection with whatsoever. That’s pretty weird.

Once again Aiko this isn’t about you, you just decided to defend the actions of this person.

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I haven’t defended their actions.

I was pretty clear that I have no idea what they allegedly did, or said. I don’t even know their name. I wrote you and said “it’s pretty hard to have an opinion about what might have happened, since I haven’t seen any information whatsoever.”

Someone allegedly said something, and you are blaming me, still blaming me. I have no idea why, but I think it’s mostly a you problem, as the ‘victims’ have made it clear they don’t hold me in any way responsible whatsoever.

Someone, who themselves said they didn’t feel like they were being hated upon? And who don’t belive their lifestyle had anything to do with what happened?

ya no Aiko, unless you gave them the catalysts that killed that golem, I don’t hold you responsible but as a leader you need to hold a higher standard for the gankers in hi sec, which you kinda have.

As far as I am aware from the conversations I had with Goose on stream yesterday they were just doing what they do in EVE in service of Aiko and that’s ganking “miners”.

At the time of the gank so much had happened in the stream and you know this Victor. As far as I can tell thanks to Goose taking the time to visit my stream and actually talk to me player to player. The two incidents have no connection to each other.


I am not in any way responsible for the actions or behaviour of anyone who is not in my alliance. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that I should be.

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These hi sec gankers worship you like their “God” or something, You can influence them to not do stuff like that again where they go and kill someone because they are a furry, you are definitely someone many people in hi sec look up to and, ya, Aiko you did nothing wrong, once again this is NOT about you.

That’s right.

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She never defended thir actions .

And actually … as from another former leaders perspective , I am seriously ■■■■■■ up tired of all these ■■■■ …
I am tired of seing personal attacks on Aiko, like if someone fart in Ausuralia people blaming her WTF!?

Also since people bring often harassment in special secual harassment …
Do you kno how many female playing this game ?
How many of these female players do PVP??
And how many of these female players also leads aliances in EvE ???

Do you know how much ■■■■ we are taking and our conditions ?

You have no clue about what we are tanking in this game !
i did fail … but that women still up and standing and dealing all these ■■■■ still


I had seen and observed her descent attitudes so many time… Even she is under attack she is holding up very classy … I would have hard time to do that…

I had been pure PvP pilot over a decade… And my adventure start with as miner who got suiced ganked!

If i stay in this game and play all these years, learn PvP , teach PvP , serve to the community , make lot of friends enjoy funs and shits and giggles… that all happened because of that moment while i had been falling asleep in front of my pc … considering to quit that booring game… someone come and gang me! And everything has changed !

So . what i can suggest you is… do not sell catalyst to them… produce copule of thousand batches and donate them !
Better go for talos or tornado …

Thats how i do… donate ! You will feel definately more light ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I feel like you are under the bias and i suggest you to shake bit and wake up! Also accept the situation that shows also your maturation .

Those people are some of last their kinds standing up for this play style .


This isn’t about that she is a woman.

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The gank wasn’t about being a furry yet that doesn’t seem to matter to you.


Realllyyy !! ?

Thats why also you ignored tha fact that she is possibly far more sensitive about the kind of actions you have blamed her unfairly ?
Also as i mentioned in my post I just bring this subject due to nature of accusations. Not because of itthis dimention involved .
But something you totally ignored and underestimated…
We are already the minority…

Thanks so much… but we are much more sensitive about these kind of subjects than many others.

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If I go rob a bank and yell out “praise be on Victor medvil!”

Does that make you responsible?


Let’s agree to this, let’s not be prejudice against anyone in EVE:Online whether it be a woman or furry or whatever.

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I do agree on that. what i dont agree is the way you mentioned and accused her .That was unfair.

Let’s also agree not to make up a case of hate that didn’t exist.

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Well, I have always been told that leaders are responsible for those under their command, I dunno it is a grey area.

But these people aren’t under her command… she’s not associated with them in any way