Swedish journalist writing a piece about Project Discovery – need interviewees!

Good evening, fellow capsuleers.

My name is Oskar Alex, I’m a journalist living and working in Stockholm, Sweden.

Right now I’m writing a piece about games and citizen science for a scienze magazine called Forskning & Framsteg where Project Discovery and its three iterations will play a large part. How the players feel about participating in the project is obviously a very important aspect, and I’d like to let your voices be heard by interviewing one or more of you.

The interview will be conducted over Skype or WhatsApp, just by voice. If possible it would be cool to also be inside the game at the same time, so that I can write out the interview while adding descriptions of planets, etc. that we pass by. Maybe you have certain mining route with lots of downtime that you often fill with, that you’d like to show off, for example.

If you’re interested, let me know fairly soon, since there’s a deadline looming over me. Anywhere in the world is fine, I’ll adapt timezone wise even if you’re in the US or any other part of the world. You can reach me via e-mail: skrivoskar@gmail.com.

I’ll do another post with some links to my work, to show that I’m a real person and journalist, not some prankster.

All the best,
Oskar Alex

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Here are two articles I’ve written. My Facebook is just the regular Facebook site address with /oskaremanuelalex at the end.

Your personal phone number on a public forum with new posts usually crawled by google within half an hour at worst.

I don’t know … but maybe you shouldn’t have done this.

Fair point! Usually haven’t had problems with that, but might be good to be on the safe side. Removed.


Kan ställa upp på intervju om du vill, men har inte tid för ett möte med voice. Kanske isåfall via mail eventuellt :slight_smile:


Jag förstår, du menar möte inuti spelet? Det är ingen fara, bara en “vanlig” intervju går jättebra. Funkar telefon/Skype/Zoom då, alltså ett kortare samtal utan rundtur i spelet? Släng iväg ett mejl till skrivoskar@gmail i sådana fall, så kan vi prata vidare om format/tid.


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