Switching to Linux, what do I do now with Eve?

I just wondered, how many users are even aware that some companies do that.

Based on the recent DOOM fiasco, a lot now…

Just stop it already.

Post in the Linux forums you wannebe.

the moderators can move the thread if they wish

Yes, you can play EVE on Linux. If you are able.

Stop feeding the troll/idiot.

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Yes, I know I can technically do it, but, the issue is permissive confirmation

You have my permission.

Playing on Linux Ubuntu 18.10 since half a year. No issues above having to find the pre-made launcher in the forum.

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You will not be banned for playing on Linux. Here’s a post from CCP Snorlax with some information on getting EVE running on linux. EVE Launcher for Linux


Thank you, printing this now, framing for the wall and putting in a safe

Anyone else remember the Sony Rootkit Scandal ?

I can just visualise your walls, covered in written permissions to, erm, watch TV, pick your nose, etc…

if it was the case where we didn’t need permission, why do we have EULA’s and TOS’s and contracts?

Are we really going to go on discussing this?


Sure why not? if people want to stop discussing it they can just stop discussing in the topic :shrugs:

I’ve been playing on Linux the whole time I’ve been playing Eve. What has it been now? 11 years? It runs fine in wine and although CCP doesn’t “, officially” support it they have a Linux section in these forums and the devs will tweak things from time to time if it causes the game to have a horrible crash or something. They also made a Linux native launcher when the windows one didn’t work good for a while. I’m not sure where the fear of being banned for using Linux came from especially when CCP has been relatively Linux friendly over the years.

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The fear stems from the actions of other games companies (EA for example) in the news and it’s an issue that will affect people if they want to move to Linux and game on it

Why would CCP have a Linux section in their official forums and devs that (even if not in an official support capacity) do things for Linux players if they were going to ban Linux players lol.


Try it, it works decently. There are some issues from time to time, generally after Wine or Eve updates, and the performances are slightly inferior but that won’t prevent you to enjoy any aspect of the game.