Target Painter or Missile Guidance Comp for emerging conduits missiles ship?

Just remember Factional missiles cost heaps more than T2, though the factional have extra bonuses.

Sorry too complex for me, I’ve never understood how to use Pyfa. So:

Which are the application skills for missiles?
And finally, putting things simple, do I have to use RLML or RHML and with which kind of ammo?

Grapplers are the way to go. I web them and can hit them easily even with ogres

Hi Safira, but grapplers have a optimal range of just 1 Km, against the 10 km of the webifier, and usually trigs orbit at 6 km of distance, so is the grappler really more effective than the webifier?

I may be wrong , but think optimal is a bit more, like 6-8 km. I use them and they are doing awesome so far.

I just use fast moving light drones set to groups agro.

Normal set them on one target while i nail another 2 with heavy missiles from 2 RHML’s on each, and a fifth one firing auto targeting EM Heavies to kill the shield on the Trigs.

Due to this setup i use twin guidance computers and an ML and an XC-3 ballistic computers.

Normally kill three within 5 seconds, cruisers i tend to focus fire the two pairs and drones, combined fire tends to drop a cruiser in 5-7 seconds.

On triglavian sites?

yip, on an Arm, have a CommandCruiser with a similar setup running armour and skirmish commands

Hek I mean t1 stuff xD

no the optimal is 1km but the “optimal” does not talk about the loss of effect due to distance. The falloff entry does. (falloff entry = (distance-optimal) / falloff).

Txs …

Do those charts take into consideration that horrendous 35 second reload time?

I’m trying to decide if RHML are actually better than Cruise missiles. I can kill the frigs 2x as fast with the RHML, which is about 5-6 of them before I have to wait 35 seconds to start shooting again.

what horrendous 35 s are you talking about ? WTF are you even talking about ? Do the math yourself if you have an issue with what I did. Otherwise it’s just useless rants.

Just a side not, i have been using an Ikitursa with a Tracking Enhancer for more then 100 conduits and they never attacked my drones, but then i switched to a Target Painter and now they kill my drones like crazy. How can this be :frowning:

Just a small clarification because I see alot of people in here confusing missile application modules…

Namely Guidance Computers with Guidance Enhancers.

Guidance Computers are mid-slot, can load scripts to them to specialize between range and application, and when scripted are giving ok application bonus.

Guidance Enhancers are lowslot, give a bit of everything, without ability to specialize and I’d only ever considered using one when you are hitting high stacking penalty with BCUs.

That aside, from my experience webifier (or grappler on Battleship hulls) tends to give way better result than scripted Guidance Computer, at least with my current application skills. To be honest I didn’t try target painters at all on my missile ships so can’t really say how they compare to Webifiers.

EDIT: ironically enought for speaking about people confusing things I’ve used names of gunnery equivalents, so edited to fix that :slight_smile:

im not sure

To be honest the only time I use Guidance Enhancers is when I have a ship with low number of midslots, otherwise it’s Guidance Computers.

As to why I use the Guidance Computer over Grapplers and Target Painters, well it’s that bonus to missile range @+22% with script, if you can hit and kill a target before they can get into range with their weapons, that’s a bonus, only time I use the precision scripts is once I have heaps of targets under the default missile range, and that +16.5% to explosion velocity and -16.5% to explosion radius, helps to get full damage on targets of all sizes, per module installed

Ballistics are only good in increasing the possible DPS (by increasing missile damage and launcher ROF), but if you can’t fully apply that, it’s a bit of a waste of time (yes there are those that will say, more damage will counter the lower % of hit damage compared to the default missile damage, party true. But getting more focused damage on a target will mean that extra damage from BC will apply to the target and not be wasted), one reason the ML-EKP Ballistic Computers are good, the have a slightly lower standard bonuses it gains a +8% Explosion Velocity, which means it applies more damage on target, ideal for large missiles vs smaller targets.

Nobody cares about the waste. What people care about is the result.
BCU give a bit less applied DPS than many other application mod, but can give more if the target is already applied enough. The thing is, stacking penalty makes them worse when you add them. But if you stack more penalized application mods than you stack BCUs, you are doing something stupid.
And polybolos are the worse BCU you can use, when you already use GC/GE/flare .

Well, that’s fair, Guidance Computer can switch script to extend range too. You could say it’s a trade-off between flexibility and performance. In case of scenario covered in topic tho (Emerging conduits) I am not exacly convinced extra range will help all that much - I’m not sure if I (or OP) could apply the damage to the burning triglavian sufficiently well without some help in application.



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