Tech II Porpoise - Covert Ops

Might be a garbage idea, but I’m imagining a fleet of prospects gathered around a widow waiting for a bridge to an enemy moon drill or asteroid field. These prospects have limited cargo space and would benefit from a covert ops style porpoise, something to give the prospects compression capabilities to remain on the field longer. Thoughts?

so you just want a bunch of covops ships mining and compressing? why prospect, im sure there’s other ships with bigger mining holds than 12k

endurance has 19k for mining hold, why not use it?

and just use a regular porpoise

actually lemme rephrase this, a porpoise cannot compress moon ore anyway, so taking it would be useless, if it can’t compress moon stuff… so your idea would have to include an orca instead.

I think he wants to BlackOPs bridge the mining fleet into a hostile area and mine there with boost and compression.

So his suggestion is basically a CovertOPs mining command ship, probably with the ability to compress moon ore. :sunglasses:

Porpoise is still useless in that setting
Even a t2 variation would be useless

Its boosts need to be weaker than the porpoise the main reason you bring it is for compression. Take the bonuses that would be to links and tune it towards drone damage

It should get a medium version of all compression types including ones currently not in the game. However it needs to have a -100% penalty to compression range this is to both add a little more risk via jet cans or being too close to cloak to the porpoise and to prevent them from aiding regular fleets in compression like an orca or rorq.

I have been pushing for something like this for over a decade when the prospects were first added. Then it was just a BR with an ore hold but since compression iv given a lot of thought to a t2 porpoise.

It should have an ore hold large enough that not compressing is viable maybe 35-50k so that it’s a choice to risk locking yourself in place or not.

My point was, a porpoise nor a proposed t2 porpoise can compress moon ore. So why take them?

That would be why i said they need to be able to lol.

That or have a much larger hold. But that starts breaking other aspects of the game if you make the hold too large.

Then that would make them rework the modules. Porpoise for a reason cant compress moon ore

It would only make them add in the mods and flag them to only be fit to the t2…

With no aoe compression you can’t use it to replace orcas or rorqs and offload the storage to the mining barges

But they dont wanna use barges.

Its been fine for 2 years now that a porp cant do moon ore, cause the mod isnt large enough, no need to add it to the t2 when its still not large enough

Right… because they want to do cov op mining.

What are you even trying to say here.

It can’t be used on a porp because ccp wants your null/ls/wh fleet to be risking at least an orca of you’re clearing moon belts.

Without the aoe compression this ship couldn’t keep up with a full scale moon fleet preserving the need for an orca+ while allowing it to facilitate a new play style. One that would get more players out of hs and freeing them from becoming forever hs players.

Took me a bit to find but here was an old thread talking about trying to get cov ops mining fleets.

It’s before compression but the end goal was the same. And there were some good points brought up.

originally when teh new compression was created with the window recently being reomved, the compression modules had limited inventory space…because originally you were supposed to move the ore into the compression module, then compress it, then move it back into the cargo hold.

Edit: like ammo

Right, but what does that have to do with the idea. That’s what has me confused

A Porpoise doesn’t need drone damage buffs, and a Porpoise variant that requires the operator to jump a BLOPS needs drone damage even less, as it obviously has high-end combat vessels in its fleet. I use porpoises alot and I’d rather argue it doesn’t even need a drone bay, since it has a fleet to defend it.

If a negative modifier to command burst strength was to be added to a BLOPS Porpoise, why would people even fit a command burst onto that Porpoise, when the Strategic Cruiser they used to open the cyno that was used to drop the Porpoise on grid can equally fit Command Bursts, but so far has no negative modifiers to them?

WH miners mine their moons?
Nullers clear their belts?
Lowers usually don’t clear them, either.
Nor do highseccers, who, btw. also are required to put a whale on grid if they want to compress moon goo.

Scaring the null carebears to the point they don’t dare to undock by bringing cyno fitted ships isn’t a new playstyle.

Other corps’ moon belts can be disposed of by cycling type C lasers, which works quite good in the present game.
If you want to grab the moon belt for yourself, rather than just preventing others from grabbing it, why not show some commitment to the deed and drop a Rorqual?

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It doesn’t though…

Like i said the reason you bring it shouldn’t be for boosts.

Yeah…ccp has fked mining that doesn’t change why they restricted these mods to orca+

What are you even talking about?

This isn’t just about moons it’s any sort of mining. Also if you think a rorq is commitment you’re out of touch with the current mining meta

If you want a blops mining fleet you could try a T3 Cruiser (covert and support subsystems) for mining foreman bursts for your Prospects!

And some Blockade runners to haul your goods back home.

The problem with just using a blockade runner as i mentioned in the other thread is that the cargo is too small. That’s why even the op of this idea doesn’t mention boosts but cargo space.

The amount you have to pay bridging the br back and forth or the numbers you need to make a conduit profitable instead leads to you making more isk afk mining with the same group size in hs.

That’s the flipside of doing a covert ops mining fleet: you’re able to travel with much more safety through dangerous parts of space but you’re more limited than with a regular mining operation.

If you want lots of cargo space, better boosts and compression I recommend Rorqual bridges and a Porpoise.

There needs to be an upside to have a flipside.

This change would in no way even bring them close to competing with a proper mining fleet.

The goal is just to make it so that it’s a viable option. This is gameplay many groups have wanted for years. All the pieces are there already it’s just not cost viable. A ship able to increase the capacity is the least disruptive way to make it profitable enough to be worth doing for small/mid sized groups.