[RESOLVED] - 20230110 - Search Cluster Temporarily Offline

At roughly 17:30 UTC today, the character search cluster was inadvertently taken offline making it impossible to search for player characters and create private contracts to said characters.

The search cluster was put back online at ~18:30, but will need approximately 12 hours to fully repopulate. During that time, players attempting to search for other characters or creating private contracts may face issues. Will update this thread when the search function is completely back online.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Fly safe!

e: Search was fully functional a tad early at ~06:30

If you are experiencing issues with searching for a character in-game, please file a support ticket.


Thank you for the swift reply, CCP Swift


“Inadvertently” taken offline. That’s truly a masterwork of doublespeak diplo goo. Who is in charge of the data center where one can ‘inadvertently’ offline a production server?

Your mom


lol ;p

“Unexpectedly went offline” would be better phrasing as we don’t know at this time how it happened. A later investigation may possibly include discussing the incident with AWS Support.


today, the character search cluster was inadvertently taken offline making it impossible to search for player characters and create private contracts to said characters.

I plan to use this the very next time Frostpacker is fined by a Safety Officer.

Bet someone at CCP accidentally contracted a Titan for 130m and needed a quick way to fix the problem.


Will bringing back up the search server also turn back on the „temporarily disabled for two years“ player bounty system?

Seems like that was accidental as well, given it was supposed to be temporary.




This post should again have been pushed to the launcher so that people know what is going on to avoid unnecessary confusion and frustration.

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