Thank you CCP for raising prices!

I think some people forget that CCP is just the messenger delivering this price adjustment. It should be considered that CCP was purchased by the Korean company “Peal Abyss” in 2018 if I remember correctly. Most new companies have a small army of accountants that review the financial minutia once they have purchased a company. In a free market financial system this should be expected.

CCP is just pushing thru what their parent company “Peal Abyss” has requested. Increase the cash flow even by the smallest amount. I think that’s why so many changes in game have continued to occur that effects the in game economy. Think about the recent across the board large resist nerfs leading to more people plexing their accounts to replace ship losses. Peal Abyss bought the EVE IP. Now they want to reap the benefits of the investment. Its just taken them a year or two to figure out how best to squeeze the in game, plex and subscription economy to their benefit.

In the end this is just the free market meeting your wallet or bank account.

Welcome to the reality that is planet earth………

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What could be more severe than rising prices twofold?



Yeah, one day they will hear you and do it in Euros (the severe threefold wish) …

why not in pounds?

The way we’re going in the UK, the pound won’t be worth much in the future…


Shame on you for crying about CCP pricing.

You are a bit hard with your currency ,
with all the debt and the money-printing I can’t say that your situation is worse than european or USA …
But 0wii is perceptive, the price should be in the country currency …

This is an incredibly naive way of thinking. Not an insult but a serious question: do you have any understanding of international macroeconomic principles?

Ultimately, CCP wants the money in its bank to be in one or a select few currencies. The select few currencies are preferred because they are consistently of high-value, they are stable (they are the pivot against which non-major currencies are evaluated), and because they are the only currency that are pretty much universally accepted (at least for conversion) everywhere even if they are non-local, which is important because nobody wants currency that cannot be spent.

While it is true that currency conversion could be performed transparently while paying the the game, the constantly fluctuating currency conversion rates of several of the non-major currencies mean that either the price would constantly change for players in order for CCP to maintain the same baseline income, or CCP’s income would wildly fluctuate in order to maintain a consistent price for players. Consider, for example, what the situation would have been in Zimbabwe back in 2009 when inflation was at 230,000,000% and they had a One Trillion Dollar bill that was worth only $0.40 USD - do you really think either players or CCP want to deal with that? Now that is an extreme example, but not an uncommon one when it comes to how many currencies fluctuate wildly (though not usually as extreme), especially if the political climate in the country is volatile or the country is at war.

Also: @Dravick_Afterthought is not being hard with his currency. I don’t want to get deep into politics so as to break forum moderation rules, so all I’m going to say is that there is reason to suspect the value of the British pound may highly fluctuate and/or simply decrease in the upcoming years. This is not a matter of opinion, this is a matter of economic forecasting conducted in the same way that a weatherman predicts the weather with a relatively high degree of accuracy. If this is true, then there could be a corresponding price change in the British pound coming up.


A lot of words , some common facts , example out of proportion => not convinced .
Size ( thread) does not matter .

Just for your information , search for “quantitative easing” , and perhaps you can see that we are all zimbabwe.
Most of the western economies are crippled by their debt, almost impossible to pay.

True. I ban the BBC from my house too.

If they will make the sub cost the highest amount, it should be adjusted also for all those years of inflation.

CCP is free to do what they want regardless of what random nonames on the internet think. When you have a company of your own, you will also be free to do what you want…Saying the “should” on matters of finance is pretty darn arrogant…

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Money loses value over time.

Or you are doing pricing right or you are eliminated.

So they have lasted over 17 years…your company?

I dont own one, but I work in one that survived transformation of the 90’s in Poland, when polish market was opened to the world and wild capitalism soon eliminated those who were the least adaptive. I know history and have contact with people who worked in this company since beginning.

I wish CCP the best, but they will have to make prices higher eventually (if not making more incentives to spent cash), even for allowing current state of infrastructure and development to stay at certain level. Or they will start folding up.


Yes, but why CCP kept the regional prices for Russia many years (as I remember since 2013 to July 2020). It’s a long time. Why does CCP cancel the regional prices since 1st July 2020 in the pandmic time of covid-19? Why didn’t CCP cancel it a year ago or won’t cancel it in a year.

It’s the only question.


how many people from Zimbabwe play video games and EVE online?

Don’t be obtuse. He states he’s using an extreme example to clearly illustrate his point.