The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

You’re most welcome. Hilarious reads centralized in one nice location.

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Incorrect - try again

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And a lot of them too


Instructions unclear. House now on fire.

No…its 90% of the 50 alts of a handful of noisy malcontents. The whiners on this forum are really not representative of the majority of Eve players. Most medium to large size corps that noobs join do ship SRP for mining barges…so all this whining about ’ I lost my ship…how will I ever survive ’ is dreadful over-dramatization of the actual reality of Eve.

We’ve all lost ships. Most of us don’t go into meltdown over it.

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Well I already know this, so you need to convince those executives, and not me.

Working with this, should ganking not only be a bannable offense, but also one that should land the ganker in real life jail?

Actually, somebody claimed to be a real life criminal lawyer, and would have everyone tracked down and sent to jail for ganking his pimped out Navy Raven worth £3000. He spent another £3000 on an identical Navy raven, got scammed out of it by the goons, quit EVE then went back to WoW.


Don’t stop there!


Please tell us that story.

  • WoW player buys a shed-load of plex and fits Navy Raven worth 44bn for hi-sec ratting. Unsurprisingly gets ganked. We know this already.
  • The kill mail goes viral and suddenly everyone is inviting him to join their corp. Reverse AWOX anyone I assume?
  • The ‘interviews’ him.
  • He admits he is hunting down the gankers in reallife and that he’s a lawyer and that he’s already replaced the Raven with the same again!
  • Later a Goon ‘recruiter’ convo’s him, convinces him he’s helping and that the gankers are waiting for him to undock. He offers to help and tells him to give his new ship to them so they can “move it safely” for him (If you don’t know what’s coming next, I can move your 44bn Ravens too. Convo me in game)
  • WoW player gives the Goon his brand-new replacement shiny officer-fit Raven Navy Issue which is worth tens of billions of ISK… but wait for it… here is the best bit…
  • The WoW player also fills the cargo hold with nine plex and other juicy things to make it up to a cool 60bn before handing it over to the Goon to ‘move’ for him.
    So that is well over 100 billion ISK down in a single afternoon between the gank and the scam. That is a Titan…ic loss!

@Zaera_Keena found it: ALOD: GO BACK TO WOW - INN (old website is down, old articles etc now collected on inn)

Perhaps not the best of “criminal lawyers” if he makes real life threats, lol.


That story completes my day. Love reading stuff like that.
Thanks, Zaera

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Highly unfortunate. However, the lesson we learned from this should be “Do not trust Goonswarm”. That was this guys first and last mistake (not to mention the abuse of his power of attorney over goddamn pixel ships).

In this case it is “Do not trust your own judgement” :rofl:

Anyway, that story is a decade old. They don’t write them like that anymore.

At least… :slight_smile:

And at least someone who understands what this game really needs :smiley:

@Ax_l_Thorne being one of the most vocal anti gankers in EVE

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Ironical remark…ever heard of or understood?

I guess not really… :slight_smile:

The smiley should have made it clear…

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. It’s too bad that @Zaera_Keena doesn’t understand satire, and likewise doesn’t know how to compose it either…


That is quite true. But no doubt, fang can learn about it from @Kanavaisto_Askiras.