The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread



The reason why I started playing this game was because of the sense of danger. That at any moment, someone could blap me, no matter the security status of the system.

I knew from day one that CONCORD wasn’t there to protect me. I had to do that myself.

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So you became a homicadal 12 year old girl, now in prison without any chance of parole.


Exactly. Rules were created to be broken.

I think half of the players don’t know the diffrence

It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
not the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change

Intelligence is based on how efficient a species became at doing the things they need to survive

An American monkey, getting drunk on brandy

Who’s leaving now

You ?

Half the ‘players’ don’t seem to actually play.

My guess is that half of them whine on the forums whilst taking a break from running around as bunny girls in Final Fantasy 14. They probably tried World of Warcraft first , but got ganked by some nasty rogue that proceeded to teabag them.

Seeing all the people at the top of the thread complaining about lowsec PvP gives me no hope anymore. It’s explicitly the dangerous area, hence low security. If you do not want to be killed in lowsec space, do not go there. If you do not want to engage in surprise combat, do not go there. Highsec ganking is one thing, lowsec combat is another. You dug the hole by going into lowsec, do not complain in the forums about the hole you have dug. Because dying in space that has been stated to be extremely dangerous, by both the game and the players is a great heap of not our damn problem. Please, act like semi intelligent adults. Do not make me agree with gankers.


A long time ago, there was a period when a big null-sec conflict was happening, and both CCP and the players used it as a marketing opportunity for the game. For some time after that, because of the (social) media coverage and recent articles that were written, lots of new players were coming into the game. There were a lot of complaints from lots of those people about getting attacked in the lower security areas.

I think that the “great schism” inside the player base has been misunderstood by most people across both side of the aisle. It’s not about ganking and safety specifically in high-sec, but the willingness and capacity for one segment of the player demographic to accept the existence of non-consensual PvP in any capacity. It’s just that high-sec takes center stage in these debates because that’s where most of them happen to live because it’s the area of space so adjacent to the new player experience (one that most of them never graduate from). If these people were to move away from high-sec for some reason (e.g. the incomes become so relatively low that they’re no longer sustainable), then the same debates would occur for low-sec, null-sec, et cetera.


I never do!

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Never said you did, you’re kinda just butting in at that point.

That reply didn’t last long.

Well that’s because if you argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level.

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I think the real problem is attempts to accommodate these people rather than simply telling them they are playing the wrong game.

Companies exist to make money, so when 90% of the player base complains about how they don’t want a certain thing and will stop playing and paying if it’s not removed, their creative and marketing executives listen.

You can see an example of this with the Sweet Baby Inc. drama that’s going on right now, and how the company was gaslighting marketing execs into giving them creative freedom to make games more woke by scaring them with the possibility of player riots on social media.

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And it backfired on them. Turns out, Gamers don’t want out of context wokism shoehorned into the games story or plot. Imagine that!

If it was part of the natural story being told, and not coming out of left field, gamers might have been more willing to accept it. (I specifically speaking into Starfield)

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Apparently not because it’s 2024 and the same old tired arguments and counterarguments resurface again and again without end or resolution. It’s worse than CSPAN.

That’s very gracious of you. All the toxicity and tears in one convenient thread.

No, no and no.

No again.
It’s a Player against Player Everyone Versus Everyone online business operation.
Participation is strictly on a voluntary basis.