The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

yeah but you also do not have to enlist in a faction for faction warfare…

a really cool improvement would be, if it was mandatory to choose a side. like, minmatar can shoot every amarr in space and vice versa. if that was just a normal mechanic. you choose your side and can’t go to places of the other side without being hunted.

then there might be something that allows you to go there incognito… no idea, like a plastic surgery or something… there would be tons of possibilities for spies etc.

that would also mean, there should be neutral spaces, that do not belong to a faction. well that would be nullsec. and there are player driven factions that rule.

This is where I feel that the CSM had failed its good citizens of Highesrc.

They are the voice that we all voted for to deal with pilots huffing inside NPC corps.

Take a moment to revisit the video regarding the Faction War reboot to understand that is our future with pvp

Can we have Hisec Faction Warfare against specific classes or types of ships… like mining vessels for example?

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

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We both know that sounds awful Uriel.


:smiling_imp: :snowflake: :blush:


How about don’t stop Uriel! [quote=“Uriel the Flame, post:516, topic:390430, full:true, username:Uriel_the_Flame”]

:smiling_imp: :snowflake: :blush:

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It’s as important as any other aspect.

It’s acceptable in that it provides a extra dimension to PvE and makes hisec a more exciting place to fly.

Depends what you mean by “core gameplay”. That question is a bit too technical for me.

I think not.

Don’t be silly, puppy.

It’s a great idea.

Uriel seems to fixated on his own agenda that doesn’t include burning Highsec structures!

You need some help there, buddy, with using the quote function?

what is this?

the thread fell asleep?

i really would like to get to the bottom of this.

why do some people dislike ganking ?

i need to understand this, so i can sleep at night again.

someone tell me

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They don’t - they secretly love it !!!

yes, that is exactly what i am thinking.

they admire the gankers but don’t know where to start, to become one themselves.


This, right here.

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Too spicy to keep up?

It was more a boring reply than boorish one that I just didn’t get the wording correct and it just didn’t fit the connotation I was trying to imply.

Frankly, Iceacid’s post kinda shook me. Bad news all around these days…

Oh dear.

I do hope things get better for you!

Sending good vibes your way, MB!

NP, crossing swords on the forum is the last true PVP! Long live the nutjobs who have such a passion for the game that we have been here so long! No matter what side of the 8 sided coin you are on.

Better for me is when the game fails so badly, that it falls in numbers like before I started and becomes a nitch game again who draws in the demographics that they used to brag about.

Seen some great names drop from the forums. Ive even tempted dropping off myself. Hadnt been able to play, but still do an admin asst role with usia. Finally got a new job.

