Most explorers won’t bring two different sets of probes for non-combat probing, so when you’re comparing probes it’s worth mentioning that these ‘best scanner probes’ require a second set of non-combat probes for tough non-combat targets as it is a pretty important downside of these satori probes.
Initially when I read your post I thought I could just use only those satori probes instead of non-combat probes, but it seems I need to use them in addition to non-combat probes.
On top of all that, the fact that a set of 8 of these probes costs 200 mil (so a full load of 16 costs 400 mil) is pretty much insanity to then state “it’s best, you should use this” while in many cases it’s not.
The price is rapidly moving variable for any items that has been recently added to Eve, like these new probes. The same happens with new ships, new modules, new anything. It takes a while before the price, supply and demand will stabilize.
Now you are projecting YOUR own views (on price) and telling that I’m saying someting I’m not. I’m simply comparing different probes. In New Eden best of anything tends to cost. The cost is relative to your income and the ship’s expected lifetime. How often do you lose your probing ship? Read again what I wrote on my recap on different probes. Which part you disagree? As in original post and in recap I say use Sisters Core Probe if you fit core probe launcher.
The original poster’s point about the lifetime of your ship is excellent. 200M ISK worth of probes in your cargohold don’t cost anything until you lose the ship. There is no difference in your wealth if you have 200M ISK in your wallet or if you have 200M worth or probes in your cargo. But if a hostile kills and loots your ship, then there obviously is a big difference :-). Heh.
Quick point on fits. Note that the probe strength counts to the base strength. The probes will not cause stacking penalties unlike Rigs, Range finding arrays and probe launchers. So you get more from Satori-Horigu than from most ship items affecting probing strength. T2 range finding array (10%), the T2 rig (15%), Sisters launcher (10%), T2 Launcher (5%). In stacking the 1st item is good in this case 15% from T2 rig, next one sister launcher 10% will drop to 8.7% and T2 rangefinding array will drop from 10% to 5.7%. Should anyone want to use 2nd rangefinding array (4th item for stacking nerf) that would give 2.8% instead the base 10%.
Aisha I suppose your claim concerns me as well? In order to sure of claim means two things: Vasara is either your alt or you have access to CCP’s account database. TBH I beleive that neither is the case. I know that Vasara is not my alt. I decided long ago that if I write EvE-O I do it with my main. However would you happen to be a forum alt? Wouldn’t you like share who your main might be? What is you agenda with this Thread?
I hoped that you would be capable to constructive discussion. There is only one semi constructive message from you. When you have brough up was the that combat probes do not go 0.25 AU. And even that you did pretty passive agressive style. Syzygium gave a pretty good answer to that. That issue has also been touched with other messages on this thread. Mostly you are pointing fingers and saying that I’m saying something that I’m not saying. That smells like style of Russian Troll Factory.
Hey man, everyone has understood right now that these probes come with a higer base strength. There is no debate about that. The point is, there are boni in EVE that are simply not worth the compromises you have to accept for them, be it pricetag or fitting restrictions. Because using an Expanded Launcher alone forces you to abandon either scan-enhancing equipment or safety-equipment, because that thing eats up ~210/242 CPU.
These probes are good for the top-end PvP hunters that might want to squeeze the last bit of performance out of their scanner to get their result as fastest as even possible to increase the chances to catch someone. For everyone else who just scans & maps the environment a dirt-cheap CovOps with T2 equipment ist more than sufficient, he has pretty much zero reasons to use these insanely overpriced scan probes, because the Sister’s Probes will do the job perfectly fine.
If I’m out scanning in a Helios I’m not thinking about safety anyway, it has the tank of a dried out spider so I’m dedicating all resources to speed and scanning. I can put rangefinders, analyzers etc in the mids, nanofibres in the lows, sister’s expanded and a cloak, then a cpu rig and a nozzle. That’s all you need.
If I was getting the satoshi nakamoto probes then I might as well go the whole hog and get his Combined Analyser as well, but that just leaves an empty mid for a shield that’s not going to save me anyway.
I might as well stick to sister’s probes all round.
I think we come from two different worlds. I’m Wormholer and we scan alot. I mean alot. Even little things that make that faster are worth it. As I see your high end PvP point I will say that it is not only feasable use for the new probes. I use a little bit different comparsion. Lets say that you are doing lvl 4 combat missions. It can be done in Drake so why do it in Marauder? It does it in less time, but if its suiceid ganked you loose 2 billion? Speed is also security - less time spent in the system and on the harms way the safer it will be. Like some one said in this thread: It depends. Selecting the correct ship, fit and probe - it depends and there is not necessarly right or wrong answer.
Splitting the difference, doing the combat mission in a Barghest will be quicker since you’ve got your rapids, and can get the align time down to almost BC levels. Conversely, doing it in a Tengu is also quicker as you’ve got hams and on-grid speed. Active shield tank for both works there.
You would only bother undocking the marauder if you needed bastion mode, which is tantamount to suicide in null.
I see you skipped over non-marauder BS, such as Ravens, and with good reason I suspect since it would be slower and more dangerous (in terms of on-grid time) than doing it in a Drake.
The difference between a Drake or a Marauder for L4 is huge. The difference in income generated is huge. The difference of me using a 50M T2 CovOps or a 500M Satori-Probe-Sisters-Launcher CovOps is miniscule.
I live in WHs since they exist, scanning daily and scanning pretty fast. And I have zero need for these probes.
Wormholers tend to be different. The concept of “too risky” or “too expensive” tends to flexible with us. Quick zKb search suggests that hundreds of probers from various wormhole groups must use Mid Grade Virtue Set in their daily mundane wormhole life:
This search only shows a fraction of the losses, and the vast majority of the users didn’t lose their ship nor their pod in the timeframe of the search. The price of the set is in the ballpark of 2 billion ISK. Yet the set is in use widely all the time. Compared to this, no probe set (be it RSS, Satori or something else) feels very expensive.
Edit: I glanced through the zKb link and found more low sec and null sec losses than I expected. Virtue set seems to be in wide use in those areas as well.
VaraRa and VasaMa, they’ve been in the same fleet and do the same things. And magically, through pure chance, both of them post in the same thread one supporting the other.
Beyond that it’s been said again and again: while what is stated is technically true it’s practically silly in most cases.