The Dark Space Initiative open for recruitment - Nullsec/Wormhole

Hello from TDSIN! We’re looking for some active PvP-focused pilots to join us from all time zones. We’re one of the oldest and most successful corps that provide and thrive on wormhole-based content, and now that we have moved down to nullsec, our area of operation has expanded. Whether you’re interested in WH or Nullsec content, we’ve got you covered.

Our requirements for entry are fairly fluid, but generally what we look for is a “decent” skill spread that will allow you to participate in a variety of fleet doctrines. If you’re curious, hop into our recruitment channel “TDSIN Recruitment” in-game and chat with or mail one of our recruiters to see if we’d be a good fit for you.

Activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Nullsec/Lowsec Roams
  • Large scale fleet pvp ops
  • Small/Medium scale skirmishes
  • Blops
  • Special Interest Groups
  • Wormhole Raiding
  • ISK-generating opportunities

To Apply, join our public recruiting channel in-game, “TDSIN Recruitment” and either speak with a recruiter, or follow the instructions in the channel message of the day - there is a link at the bottom.

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

BWOOPF! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

Happy Daddy Day!

BOOP! Recruiting is OPEN! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and throw us a wave to start a chat!

WOO! More people joining every day! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and fill out an application if you are interested!

KAPOW! War is on in fountain! Come join the fun and make EVE history with us! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game to chat with us. If no one is on, feel free to mail the recruiters directly or just fill out an application!

KAPOW! War is on in fountain! Come join the winning team and make EVE history with us! Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game to chat with us. If no one is on, feel free to mail the recruiters directly or just fill out an application!

LOL, Come join the WINNING TEAM! Make EVE history with us! War is on in fountain and we’re doing our part. Join TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game to chat with us. If no one is on, feel free to mail the recruiters directly or just fill out an application!

Greetings Space Nerds! TDSIN is recruiting! Regardless of how you read the spin from either side, we are having a BLAST in the big nullsec war, so come join in the fun with us!
Drop by our recruiting channel in-game, TDSIN Recruitment and have a chat with one of my staff members, or fill out an application (link is in the MOTD). If no one is around, feel free to send mails, we never let them go unanswered!

Hope you have a fantastic Monday! (or Tuesday if you’re in Aussieland… I think it’s Tuesday there already?)

Vacation is over! Drop us a line in TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game, or toss up an application!

@Osaka_Hibachi Just sent you an ingame mail… tnx :slight_smile:

Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you’d you would you could you’d do you wi you wants you you could do so you you’d do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

If you have, then drop in and say hello in our in-game channel, TDSIN Recruitment, or simply fill out an application via the link provided in the MOTD of said channel. We love new faces!

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Hey all you beautiful people! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. If you’re here, I hope it’s because you’re looking for what we offer, because we certainly are looking to expand our roster.

Hop into the TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game and chat with one of our recruiters, or if nobody is available, shoot them a mail. The team will get back with you in short order. If you already know what you need to know, and feel like skipping the conversation, just tap on the link in our recruiting channel to apply directly, and my team will mail you the results of your application review.

Good luck and good hunting!