The Dark Space Initiative open for recruitment - Nullsec/Wormhole

Hey everybody, TDSIN is still recruiting and open to new-ish players for cruiser size pvp in small-medium size gangs on a corp level. We can also provide large scale gang pvp with our FCs that lead alliance level fleets.

Come join in on the fun, it’s happening all the time! We also do a bit of mining and industry, exploration, trading, etc. It takes but a moment of asking on teamspeak to find someone that is involved in literally any part of the game you can think of!

TDSIN Recruitment channel in-game is where you can chat with recruiters and/or apply from (there is a link in the MOTD) and if no recruiters are around at the time, feel free to mail one of my active staff members listed in the channel MOTD. We’d love to hear from you!