The Happy Grasshoppers looking for members minmattar space

long weekend ahead , jump onboard =)

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I’m interested in joining up with you guys! I’ll message in-game tonight when I’m home :slight_smile:

jadzia found us in game , can you find us ?
join us the weekend =)

we looking for new en older people .
we try to endavour into some small stuff pvp just t1 stuff , as we are not rich =)

you like to chill pve . and or industry all cool .

jump on , jump up and jump around .

get along and join the fun


bumpy =)

monday , what to say more =)

come join the fun =)

you miner . or pve ?
like to dip into pvp ?

join us and make the isk =)

hop on the train and make some relax conversation .

and make some isk aswell , win win

monday , what to say more !

finally spring , time to be outside with the kids during the day. :grinning:

but in the evening eve time :partying_face:

come fly with us.

afther a nice week holiday , back up and jumping.

come along

bumpy the bump

looking forward for next expansion

bump =) . looking for people who like low sec aswell

bump back from holidays =)

we looking for people who like to dip into low sec aswell.

we still up and looking for people who dare

bump !

Hello @Skakavac - could you DM me on Discord? MrJ4zzy