The Like and Get Likes thread III

What is this face book you speak of?

Also, why haven’t you accepted my friend request on My Space?


It’s a little-known website where you can chat and share with family who don’t live in the same country as you. It has a thing called Messenger where you can video conference. It’s a nifty idea, maybe one day it will take off.

Sorry, EvE is the only PvP space game I play :smiley:


You won’t believe this, I tried to find that face book and a website called Goo-something found it for me! It was so fast! I think those guys are onto big things, hope they won’t start dealing with publicity.

And now i’m off to sleep, but before will post something cute at the cats thread because, caturday.


Isn’t EVE just Facebook with Megapulse Lasers when you think about it? :sweat_smile:



Jesus Christ The King of Poland goes offroad.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: just in case you still were short of your weirdness quota of the week after Nana’s video…

This was back in 1978 on the Spanish public TV, which at the time was the only TV station in the country.

-Dance like nobody was watching you, but he whole country will see you on TV on saturday night
-Challenge accepted


Very 70’s that video. :curly_hair:

Also people dont need more than one tv station, as demonstrated.


With a good book I need even less stations… They called again a few month ago asking if we wanted channel service. My dad spoke a few choice words and I translated to the lady: “Not even if it was free

Quick question.
The Roman Empire was defeated circa 400AD… Losers. Why even leave these stones one atop the other? The only purpose for these useless heaps is Tourism. Clueless foreigners who go to France to take pictures of Roman stuff, ha-ha!
I think the ugly things should be utterly destroyed.

This was my view going to school:

Marseilles doesn’t need that ugly thing.

Besides all that, y’all have a goof day now :sweat_smile:




Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Ferel Deers in Australia numbers had exploded due to a failure by governments to control populations

Our Local Farmers are protecting their crops and had even resorted to socal media regarding the quality of the Venison.

Googles “how to harvest venison whole carcass YouTube”

//sorry guys and gals I”m getting completely into the Halloween today and had set up a few items around the apartment though I don’t think anyone would knock on my door for trick or treat.

Some photos

/ if you doing stuff like this at your place please share:) Happy Halloween everyone


Inconvenient but atmospheric. :wink:


Happy Halloween to you as well.



Last night on the Tele at midnight they aired the 2018 version of Halloween so I watched that right up to the point that I became scared.

Why do they need such large kitchen knives when a smaller sharp blade will do, number one rule I have is when I’m finished cleaning the knife dry it and put it away.

Anywho I seen to have been more social than I should 0/



Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Electric cars are not the best design decision to be honest. They do have problems with batteries that are not solvable at this moment.


That was a real eye opener, Nana. Battery tech… I believe that the tech is ready, but they are trying not to upset energy companies. Same thing as in health industry: Miracle cures are a big no-no.



I think longer it takes for technology to advance, better will hydrogen powered cars eventually catch on.

You can get photovoltaic effect power electrolysis of water, and store hydrogen separately. That hydrogen can then be used as fuel.

Photovoltaic effect is increasingly more efficient in new technologies.

Cars will use hydrogen with oxygen reaction, and effect will be water, that then can be used in electrolysis again. Its like car producing component for producing its own fuel.
We will only need a lot of water and solar energy.


Meanwhile in Europe, Chinese EVs are sweeping the market while my little corner of the world struggles with the lack of both charging points and an electric network who can deal with them, while having very low level of renewable power (the lowest in Spain) and yet being a part in the increasing issues to keep the power grid stable while plugging in renewables which just come and go as they bloody please… and not having water in the reservoirs to use hydro which means we’re burning gas as hell to cover for renewable instability.

The thing is, it is not enough to just plug in renewables and hope someone will develop affordable grid batteries. There is no way we could ever store Gwh (gigawatt/hour) of power using litihum batteries, with the sweet spot being around 30-40 $ per KWh and the current best at 180 to 250 $/kwh (Ambri’s liquid metal batteries using antimony and calcium).

We must reduce energy usage a lot, by reducing pointless and wasteful production aimed at paying back debt issued under the premise of endless economical growth… but the planet is not endless, we’re running out of raw materials and climate change is in a collision course.

Just last week a thorough study on western Antartica ice cap shows that it will melt even if we keep the temperature anomaly at 1.5 C (which we will definitively not achieve). All that ice will just slide to the sea, break out, drift away and melt, rising the ocean level by 5 meters worldwide. It will take decades or a couple centuries, but it will happen. Good news is the eastern ice cap still holds fast, saving us from 50 meters of ocean rise for the time being. But the western cap? It’s dead, Jim, and seaside properties worldwide will be facing interesting times for this century and next one.

Or maybe we just go full panic and attempt pumping SO2 into the stratosphere to increase the planetary albedo and reflect some extra IR into space as a means to buy us time.