The Like and Get Likes thread III

I love taking pictures too. I’m good at framing and angles. One day I want to learn how to develop film. Digital is okay but I’m more interested in the process of film.
My all-time dream is to handle one of those 35mm large-format motion picture film cameras… it’s silly but I do daydream about it.
I did get the opportunity to see one upclose when I was an extra on a set. I got to stay after the shoot and watch them go through the dailies. The director invited me for a drink and asked if I’d be interested to go to London with them and be in a couple of scenes as a principal but it was clear he also wanted something else so I lost his phone number and forgot about it. I was very disappointed.

Good luck with that. Capsuleers aren’t human, we’re clones!! :smiley:


It’s not silly.

It’s an ambition, a dream and a goal. And I think it’s damned amazing. I’ll be rooting for you. Capture your dream!


I was wondering why there are more vampire stories in Europe than there are in Africa…Then I realized, vampires are killed by holy water. They bless the rains down in Africa.





Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: dunno if this works…


Pretend that it is the newer video song by Max Graham.




Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: it’s like we’re in 2023 or something?

Part of me is just awed, part is wondering how much does that weight and whether would be confortable for long periods, part of me totally sees this kind of thing on bags, coats and other stuff which is not worn fit to the body, and part of me just wonders how much energy is used/spent/wasted this way.

But, kudos for the tech lab lady modeling her own creation!


Not closing the fridge should be a crime.

I see it have to be with those small fish like scales. If it could be elastic structures, would be probably a lot better. Could be made into masking suits.


pretty dangerous for everyone


It is quite suspicious how they never show it flying well above the ground… ground effect for rotors is noticeable up to an altitude equal to the diameter of the rotor and it increases lift. Does this thing even fly above 2x rotor diameters…? Can it actually fly above a tree or a house, or a car or a van if needed…? Can it fly over a ravine, or stop its fall if the ground suddenly goes down by a few meters…? Or is just a ground effect hopper?

Oh, and the unshielded blades are sheer idiocy, specially if that thing doesn’t actually fly.

Nice try but I’m afraid there’s no cookie. A ground effect hopper is a mostly useless pseudoflying machine.

And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!


It’s a big drone with a seat. Can’t fly above 3 or 4 meters. Add the blade casing which would add weight and fly lower. Risky trade off though.
At least if you crash you don’t fall from too high :person_shrugging:


He could have said everything is predetermined already. Thats nothing new in philosphy. In physics there is a fog of no knowledge tho, not enough research power and not adequate tools, of course when it comes down to people thinking and making decisions. For bigger objects we can calculate orbits, or even know what will happen in what time roughly in cosmic scale of things. Also two things will be sure no matter what, death and taxes.


Most neuroscientists believe humans have at least some degree of free will. So do most philosophers and the vast majority of the general population. Free will is essential to how we see ourselves, fueling the satisfaction of achievement or the shame of failing to do the right thing

“The world is really screwed up and made much, much more unfair by the fact that we reward people and punish people for things they have no control over,”
Sapolsky, a MacArthur “genius” grant winner…

That’s the biggest copout I ever heard.

In other news…
We are working with the national central banks of the euro area to look into the possible issuance of a digital euro. It would be a central bank digital currency, an electronic equivalent to cash. And it would complement banknotes and coins, giving people an additional choice about how to pay

Digital euro.


I kind of see what’s his point, but he’s overdoing it. We don’t need to deny individual agency in order to care for people who are punished for what they do.

Humans are far too complex to be determined, which means they are undetermined. A few seconds ago I leaned back on my computer chair and placed my left hand on the armest for no reason. My fingers landed and set to rest at random locations on the armrest and I wouldn’t be able to reproduce their position. Did I decide that? Maybe it just happened? Even a simple input (left hand on left armrest) lead to a wide range of random outputs. None of them will be placing my hand, say, one meter away from my neck, since my arm is not that long. That is pretty determinable.

But now I leaned back on my chair again and my fingers, I feel, just weren’t at the same locations. Not even my fingers are determinable…

And now I’m off to sleep. Nighties lovelies!


You only have control over three things in your life — the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and . the actions you take (your behavior) .



If the complexity is gone, would they still be easy to determine? In the game I was able to predict what happens, how is the ship of another person fitted. It resulted with me winning the fight. My predictions were correct.

I dont say that is possible with everything on the smallest quantum level, but I also think human brain functions on imputs that are not dependent on us in majority, and they are identifiable, and humans usually will react in the same way, because there are millions of years of majorly the same brains created during evolution behind it. We have some schematics we cant really change.

The trick is, we can use that to our advantage.

We can steer some things in some direction, but what drives our decisions? Thats a multitude of different things. If we identify them we are able to predict our own behavior and react to change it in some way beforehand. But that is also determined by you being aware of that at least, and that means you had to read this part, which I had to make bigger, so you will probably read it, also because it have boobs ( . )( . ).

Also, the most difficult thing to change seems to be human behavior.

You have been created not by yourself. We are containers with some already predetermined functions.

On the smallest level we are not able to predict how will matter behave tho, now. But what if its already done and patented? We cant be sure right now.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: the origin of MRI machines, back in 1978






Looks like you ripped a page off of Facebook :smirk::face_with_hand_over_mouth: