The like and get likes thread

im on a rokh
yeah BI*** im on a rokh…and realised i like to get drunk and argue at star trek for all its bullcrap.


Started to play civ 5, saw many videos about it and it seemed so complex with all these management windows and stuff. I get my hands on it and only see the management windows 10 turns before the game ends… Oddly simple… it will be another minecraft for me, I play it and think it sucks then eventually I see it for what it really is and start to like it.

A thought just came to mind… I prep Linux boxes for our school to use, the old V2’s have been used apparently and are “allowed” to use the wifi (aren’t kicked off at least), and it got me to thinking… has someone been… brainless? enough to login to a social media account? I should have mentioned that all passwords are saved in plain text… so, the password can be read… but hey, that’s why I got the V5’s out, well, 6 of them. No key manager so no password saving or logging :slight_smile:

Also tried to adjust my display to meet adobe RGB standards. I gave up and just cranked saturation to 100 and contrast to 40 :smiley: Not like I show my work to anyone, so I only need to care about my settings :wink:


Another day, another night, bed is calling me… nighties lovelies!



Someone invited me to office, I have not seen so much cash yet.

This city is truly vast. As is whole island. The amount of stuff still amazes me.

Yes, its nearly as late. Gosh, this bed is so big, but I like it that way. :relaxed:
Nini :kissing_heart:


So i’ve been modeling an arcade cabinet for an animation i’m working on, and the biggest hardship i’m having is whether or not I should sneak a picture of a penis in there for a frame on the arcade screen or not.




I still don’t get how that peaceful guy gets nukes so soon and is so quick to fire them…


If it’s for a school project then maybe a single frame 50% opacity overlay might cover it up a bit more. Or hide a small image in their eyes or over their’s to make it even harder to see [literal micro-#####]

If it’s for a job… mmm…

otherwise, you can do what you feel like with next to no repercussions


It’s for a class, I’m making a glass overlay right now and working on a rough texture map for a bump map. This isn’t the final version lol.

Also the lighting, buhhuhh


Timezone everyone o/

That game should have been called “Ghandi’s Revenge”. Ghandi Khan reincarnating and ruling all the world at the end, having learned his lesson in hell. :joy:


That was not a very sneaky penis


MGSV was quite the refreshing game! I still pick it up from time to time cause its just so fun to be creative in how you want to take down people!

The box, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear


Meanwhile, today is the referendum for independence in my place (Catalonia). It’s been declared ilegal and would require a book to explain what surrealistic pile of garbage is the whole affair, but since today the police is acting against the polling stations and some kind of violence may reach the international news, I jsut comment the thing.

Some things only can go wrong in some ways only in Spain. How grown up politicians can act like children with the help of dumb masses is a painful show to see. I guess that people felt the same as the facisst raised from clowns to tyrants in Italy or Germany, just here what is destroying democracy and coexistence are about as evil as the Teletubbies… but they are relentlessly wrong and blind and deaf to the minor fact that independentists are in a minority. They don’t need to consider the will of the majority of Catalans any more than they need to consider any inconvenient realities or the Law.

They want a cake, give them the cake, why don’t you want to talk about giving them the cake? Are you anti-cakes? They dance for the cake, they party for the cake, they march for the cake, they protest for the cake, they want to vote for the cake, why why why don’t give them what they want, WHYYY???

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


Meh, Politicians use complicated words to try and confuse people. I swear to god, our President here in Portugal was giving this speech, he took 1-2 minutes trying to say something that could very easily be said in 3 seconds.
Politicians in a nutshell


Few mode days to EVE Vegas.


Not surprising to me at all! \o/


Well, looks like we gonna make it to the news and such… nearly 500 wounded in police charges against people passively resisting at polling stations to prevent the closure and seizing of ballot boxes.

Effin’ retarded, both the ones calling the ilegal referendum and the ones using police violence against it. :woman_facepalming:


They are constantly talking about it in the news. Images stylized as civil war would be going on. :cold_sweat:


That is horrible :cry:

Perhaps it will be a small relief to remember that you at least are not stuck with trump? :confounded:


761 wounded so far, but take the number with a pinch of salt, it includes just bruises and black-and-blues. The most severe wounded has probably lost his eye (doctors aren’t optimistic) due to impact from a rubber ball shot by the police.


I’m not liking your posts to endorse the violence, i’m just abiding by the conditions of the forum, I’m sorry you’re going through this, I really am. Are you personally safe?