The Virtue of Purpose

We already had this discussion. You believed their reality is a dream and our reality is a dream nestled inside of something else, the way Sleeper hives are physical locales that create dreams nestled inside an outside reality that cannot be detected by those inside.

I believed that their ‘dream’ was a separate reality no less real to them than our reality is real to us. Basically you believed that neither existence was ‘real’ and I believed the Sleeper’s reality to be as legitimate to them as ours is to us, ie. that both existences are real. Do you not remember this conversation?

If you weren’t quoting me and were talking to Ghost Hunter (I still have no idea how pyramids work in this new forum), then I’m also interested in what he would think of the Sleepers.

We are a microverse, probably a weapons test ground, perhaps a battery.

This is a very accurate representation of the concept.



It’s a funny scene from a great show.

But it’s a show. You have no evidence of this, you take it as an article of faith.

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The topic is about meaning.

But if you take a deep look on Talocan ruins and the evidence found so far, hypereuclidian mathematics and spatial manipulation were their strenght. With the appearance of W-Space a few years ago, who knows it´s exact nature?

And in the end, no matter how many layers of constructs, meaning is a very ephemeral concept on the grand scheme of things.


I live out here, so I definitely share your appreciation for the sense of mystery about the place. I am still stunned by what I find out here sometimes, and I don’t even explore much… anyway, I’ll agree with you all day, every day that we shouldn’t presume that we can know the exact nature of things we have only scratched the surface on examining and studying. However, I don’t share your conviction that there is in fact, no nature to these things at all. After all, if everything is a dream, then distinctions serve no real purpose within a non-reality, do they?

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As an analogy to understand the illusionary aspects os self, meaning and purpose, they do. In more pratical day to day living terms, i guess people would prefer a good dream rather than a bad dream.

This actually could be said about a lot of the military personnel of New Eden, even the civilian population. Actually, this is the most part of Humanity.

Lot´s of people enjoy being cogs that fit in and are productive, yet, ignore the grand scheme of things or consider the machine they´re part of or the result of it´s production.

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There’s a degree to which the Sansha take that phenomenon to a whole other level. And they also remove people’s choice in the matter.


@Morgana_Tsukiyo You read like one of those self proclaimed spiritualists passing off Adakul manuals to explain the health benefits of sticking a jade egg inside an orifice of choice.


We need no reason or purpose to exist. We exist because the molecules of which we are made of exist, and they assembled into us through natural processes.

As such, we exist because that’s the natural course of things, not because of some higher aspiration or purpose. This holds true not just for us, but for every living entity that exists alongside us, from the most mammoth of beasts to the most minuscule of virii.

However, the most mammoth of beasts and the most minuscule of virii had found themselves a niche to fill. There is no reason why we too can’t find a niche. Let not the absence of a purpose stop us from finding something to do with ourselves. Seek out a niche and fill it. Nature does not grant us a place, but she doesn’t grant anything else a place either. However, the other creatures managed to find their place just fine. Why can’t we?

Seek out your niche and fill it. That’s the natural thing to do.


… Jade is porous. Wh… why would you ever stick Jade anywhere? I mean, kink shaming isn’t nice, but intentionally giving yourself infections like that does not get the benefit of that rule.

I probably shouldn’t be surprised there’s bullshite peddlers out there that’d sell you exactly that, but it does annoy me that people actually buy into the more blatantly stupid ones.


No, I can’t agree with that.
Even the most devoted and efficient military personnel have their ability to think for themselves. It is their own decision and manifestation of their Will. They aren’t cogs - they don’t let others turn them. They are the Engines, they don’t just transmit the work while others rotate them - they do their own Work. And they do it not stupidly like machines. They have ability to think, plan, analyze, they decide how and why they will execute the order.

Sansha lack these properties. They have no will, they have no desire to serve. They are just reanimated corpses doing the program. You can’t be fascinated by a machine that will blow up itself when you program it to blow up. But you can be fascinated by a soldier who will jump under the bullets just to pull other person from the danger. Just like Tibus Heth did. Soldiers have that ability - to take actions and make decisions to act even when they aren’t oredered to act. We can do so much more that Sansha will never dream of. We will outsmart and outperform Sansha’s dead puppets.

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Here is a interesting truth to grind your gear on. What in this conversation are we all doing now? Observing, recording, and analyzing information.

To expand. Here is a interesting theory on the nature of a creation force. Firstly this reality seems to be organized by a system of mathematical structures and particle interactions. As we as observers continue to advance our understanding of it we develop tools by witch we are able to manipulate these structures.

I purpose then that humans are a medium by witch data can be collected and observations analyzed. Now as to what happens when we stop functioning as a biological structure. Cant be sure. But laws of the conservation of energy seem to state that the electrical impulses that make up our active minds must go somewhere.

Now imagine a (god force) is a passive force that was responsible for the perimeters in witch this dimension was created and operates. Setting a base amount of energy at the start and beginning the reaction of material in our universe. It has no idea the eventual outcome. And wants to record the interactions of all possibles with in that system.

Then it could be possible that we are all just tools to create a unique experience to add to the collective data of how the universe is interacting. No live even a short one is useless then as any data is valuable. If we live a happy life or a horrid one, again all is equal in the gathering of interaction data.



Plenty to do within the borders, specially creating meaning… like a sandbox.

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Behold a great revelation!

We as a learning and developing race have been given the tools to transcend our mere existence as a gear in system. We do not just break and die to be replaced. As a drone bee in a hive.

Our creator in a yet fully unknown plan has given us the tool of curiosity to seek to know all that it has built. Our DNA is no longer tied to natural selection as the Jove remind us. Our minds and bodies can be carved by machines of our design to become things beyond even that of normal human capacity. Every day we see deeper understanding of the elemental possibilities of the creation. There was a time for all of us before we rediscovered the PEGs that space its self seemed a impossible barrier. All our peoples fated to die out eventually from our own ignorance and the festering of the dark elements in human souls.

SO. We are beings beyond the machine. Us capsuleers able to feel the vastness of space and yet we dwell on simple material things. Our ethnic struggles, our need for “things”, our duty to someone.

God reaches out to us. Asks us to walk along side. The path is there. We choose to limit ourselves to simple gears in a cheep watch.