Theme #2 - Who Are The Vanguard? [1/3]

Back in June, we revealed the Solstice Era roadmap taking us into November and beyond.

Alongside plans for expanded gameplay elements, we want to take some time to also expand upon the rich backstory of your existence as warclones in the EVE universe.

We look forward to sharing some foundational lore behind the Vanguard answering certain questions of “who and what they are,” “how they came to be,” and “what their existence might mean for the future of New Eden?” while also sowing the seeds of mysteries to come.

Without further ado, let’s begin:

Theme #2 - WHO ARE THE VANGUARD? [1/3]

Before you were Vanguard , you were a warclone of a prior generation; Before you were a warclone, you were born a human being like any other. Today, you are one among many who have rebuilt themselves to join in the eponymous next step in the evolution of the warclone , one of several modes of technological immortality that have been devised by the various peoples of New Eden. While EVE Online’s capsuleers roam the heavens in vast ships controlled through an insulated interface, warclones walk fearlessly on the ground below, carving their ambitions into the world with their own hands.

Your relationship with the Deathless Circle is that of a freelancer . In exchange for assisting in the development of Vanguard warclones, you have been guaranteed sanctuary, work opportunities, and existential continuity unthreatened by the economic pressures and persecution that saw independent warclone organizations fade into irrelevance in the past. Your side of this agreement is fulfilled simply by participating in Vanguard deployment operations in any capacity; the diagnostic data you provide while inhabiting Vanguard blanks is invaluable to the Circle’s ongoing research into Jovian biology and technology.

Like all warclones, you exist primarily as an infomorph , a digital analogue to the signals and processes of a biological consciousness. Warclones are incarnated by writing these infomorphs onto specialized implants in the brains of compatible warclone blanks —empty vessels awaiting the arrival of a mind—and can return to life after death indefinitely so long as additional blanks are available. Vanguard blanks , extensively modified Jovian clone bodies, represent a shift in development philosophy away from costly Empire supersoldier designs in favor of producing an adaptive, economical, and pragmatic combat platform for a growing population of mercenaries given a home by The Deathless . The location of your home is The Fulcrum , an abandoned Jovian outpost now occupied by the Deathless Circle . More precisely, integrated into the ancient systems of this vast megastructure, there lies an onboard virtuality capable of hosting live warclone infomorphs in a constructed environment. There is currently little to be found in this derelict inner world but a vast yet tranquil darkness. Nevertheless, in the hands of The Deathless and his associates it has become a haven for countless warclones who have made their way to The Fulcrum, yourself among them.