TIL EANMs are better than active Hardeners

As the Title says,
2 dark blood EANMS and 2 dark blood ANMs will give you a better resistance profile than 4 damage specific ACTIVE hardeners.
On a Redeemer, the resistance profile is 85,75,73,72 with the passive hardeners, but 85,75,72,72 with the active hardeners.
So, use no cap and have a slightly better tank than an active tank approach.
The active tank approach does have the ability to overheat though which give it better tank overall but at the cost of burning mods and use of CAP… so I dont know what to think here.
Should active tanking modules(un-heated) be better than passive tanking modules?

Its for situations where you need only 1 or 2 resistances high and have low amount of slots for it.

Doing anything where you know the damage types (usually only 2 of the 4) is where active hardeners shine. (Also you can overheat them.)

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