You mean relations like those that existed at the beginning of Catiz’s reign, and led to Shakor attending a number of diplomatic functions on Athra?
You destroyed that, not us.
You destroyed it when the Empire did nothing about the murder of millions on Kahah III. The responding economic sanctions against the Empire by both Federation and Republic? That is how nations peacefully relate at points of conflict: they enact diplomatic and economic expressions of disapproval.
And what was the response from the Empire? We’re told that in addition to lashing out when it was made public that Amarr militia capsuleers in his military circuit were conspiring with their opposites in MinMil, Arrach Sarum’s declaration of planet-wide Reclaiming on Floseswin IV was exactly that: a response to economic sanctions.
There’s the Empire’s response to peaceful relations. Violence. Again. As always.
But let me just take a step back, and address your original point.
We are. That’s undeniable. We are a maimed and brutalized people. We fight against our former oppressors. We fight against the injuries they inflicted and the effects they still have upon us, physically and psychologically. Take a good, long look into the Sanmatar’s sightless eyes. They’re a lingering marker, generations later, of the brutality and abuse inflicted upon his ancestors at a genetic level for their defiance.
And we fight against ourselves. We fight to be more than what you made of us. We struggle and strive every day to recover bits and pieces of our past—things the Empire could simply give us, if they were so inclined. We know they have extensive records of the society they destroyed, locked away in safe-keeping. Imagine, just for a moment, what a step toward peace it would be if the Empire were to release those records to the Republic. To copy all of that over, and give back even a tenth of what was taken.
Now ask yourself: while the Empire withholds that… can they truly claim any overture they make is ‘peaceful’? Is that a rational, sane thing to claim while the Empire continues to steal from us our very heritage? Or are those peaceful overtures simply the prosecution of Amarr’s war on all other cultures by less overt means?
I am very, very keen to find out the answer to that, at the national scale. I suspect the answer will surprise most of the cluster. On a smaller scale… I can tell you, quite easily, who some of us are.
We are the ones who wait, who watch, alert in blinds and hidden redoubts.
We are the eyes that search the heavens for the next rain of darkness
We are spread among the stars, to better see that which we hope never comes.
We are those who failed our duty once, and shall not ever do so again.
We are Stjörnauga, and we do not forget.
In slightly more verbose terms, we serve our people, working among the RSS and the Fleet, watchful for threats. A handful of us are even working in CONCORD. And no, we don’t define ourselves by you. Not even when we focus on those potential threats. We define ourselves by us. Our duty. Our obligations, past, present, and future, and the people to whom those obligations are owed.
And that, in general, is how most of us tend to define ourselves: as members of a larger family, larger community, who have obligations to one another that we strive to meet. We are not servants of your imaginary narcissist. We are servants of the very demonstrably real people in our lives, and those in their lives.