Thanks for your interest in myself!

I am putting myself up for sale. ISK goes to myself and I will pay the transfer fee.

Character Highlights:

Skill Points: 36,075,000
Security Status: Positive
Wallet: Positive 0 ISK
Kill Rights: None
Remaps Available: 2
Jump Clones: 4 located in low-sec, high-sec and NPC null.
Location: Docked in Jita 4-4
Corp: NPC Corp
Implants: One set of +4’s in Jita 4-4

Starting Bid: 15 Billion ISK
Buyout: 30 Billion ISK

Invalid link

Fixed the link

Still invalid

15b offer

16b offer

Bid retracted…

Bump and thank you for the offers so far!

Message me in game if you want to make a deal. Or set a timeframe for the sale.

24b offer


Bump and Thank You for your bids

Bump to the top.

Bump to the top. Perfect Tengu and Recon Pilot

27b offer

Do you have any planets going, if so how many?

28B offer

Risa Suzuka, I accept your offer of 28 billion. I do not have any planets going. Once I receive the isk, I will begin the transfer

isk and acc info sent

ISK received and transfer started.