Training Boost Bundle Link Borked :aussiecongaparrot:

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Does this mean we already own it or they don’t want our money anymore?

There are plenty of legit things to rage about without jumping on every server hiccup.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I think your swell. That being said…The Skill-Point sales are limited and I want to buy it. The link still isn’t working. Perhaps you can provide me with a link. I’ve been unsuccessful in trying to locate it manually.

Log into store.
Click buy now on the one you want.

That’s what I just did ( before cancelling actually paying for SP like a noob) and it worked fine.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I believe this is the page you are looking for

Not sure what’s wrong with the link in the launcher - will definitely take a look and sort it out. Thanks for letting us know!


Close, but the 1.5m SP’s isn’t offered as it was in the Launcher. 1m SP’s is the closest that I see.

That doesn’t have the one that was advertised in the launcher. I’ve already posted the screen capture. They removed it from the launcher since then. I’m not that new…

Does for me.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Yeah I am pretty sure @x123xxx is a scammer. Luckily I too can see the training bundle on that link.

Thanks for adding it @CCP_Swift

@CCP_Swift Will they ever remove this restriction?

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