☇ No killrights
☇ Isk Positive
☇ Npc Corp
☇ High Sec Stationed
S k i l l b o a r d
I know the character’s extraction value and how much a toon this focused can go, selling cause I had my fun and I 'm moving on
Starting Bid: 22b
Buy Out: 30b
The auction will end when I deem an offer good enough otherwise I will let it run.
@UltraWong Send account name and isk !
I will not close here until the purchases have confirmed receipt.
January 25, 2023, 4:05am
isk has been sent and account has been told in game message.
waiting for trans
If that Sale was canceled, could the buyer please confirm that he has got the Isk back?
January 25, 2023, 9:07am
Not yet, no reply for now
If you won´t get your isk in the next 24h, please open a Support Ticket then.
(Paul Kon)
January 25, 2023, 12:38pm
Logging in now. I replied to your message instantly and didnt receive a reply for 10 hrs.
If everything is in good order I will proceed with the character trasnfer.
ps. @ISD_Traindriver we are not at home 24/7 watching at a screen, we have lives outside the game.
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(Paul Kon)
January 25, 2023, 12:40pm
@UltraWong proceeding with character transfer, isk rcvd and account name.
When a free spot is available in your account send me a msg ingame to initiate the character trasnfer… Will post screenshot shortly after…
Transfer underway. Enjoy.
January 26, 2023, 3:26pm
character receive
many thanks
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