Trusted Third Party Needed - Challenge Event

Everyone knows to use a pally bro ROFL.

Unless you’re a poor, as you seem to be :smiley:

I doubt that a lot ROFL.

Oh I know :smiley:

LOL how many alts do you have bruv?

Yennoe, it honestly makes me pity you even more. Here you are, Arc probably banned thru your own fault, and you posting with multiple peeps in the same thread, trying to make it appear that peeps are against me when its really you.

I mean you aren’t fooling anyone but damn dude. I gotta channel my inner Viola Davis and ask if you tired? Like dude, zoom out. Look at what you’re doing.

You’re literally sock puppeting a random dude on the internet attempting to embarrass, which isn’t working, and is actually just making you look super pathetic.

Honestly bro, all snark aside, you need some help dude. Like for real. I feel for you. I get why this matters so much to you, because its all you got amirite?


Oh. And uh, all that being said? I’m still laughing at you :smiley:

I’m just… confused now LOL

@Gix_Firebrand This thing isn’t going away any time soon, is it? :popcorn: You’re having way too much fun with it.
I still want to see you two duke it out in space, would be awesome if you did it in battleships, winner takes all, lol

Hmmmm…Ham and cheese. I think I’ll wander into the kitchen right now and gank a samitch.

I do enjoy toying with him.

I do kinda feel bad tho.

But then, its just so delicious :smiley:

I guess I would too if I had to throw away an easy 10B because I got caught out in yet another lie.

I’m sure you could have mooched a ship from one of your forum buddies and hit youtube to learn how to use it.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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It’s okay, Gix isn’t the only one to duck challenges on these forums.

But at least he has an excuse, since he can’t fly marauders, and outside of super-expensive faction battleship setups (that would exceed the prize money offered), one is essentially required for a class 5 site.

It is required to both do and tank 2,000 DPS to do this site, and only a few battleships in the game are able to pull that off even with high-end gear and implants.

Cept I already know how, including the education you’ve already stated :smiley:

Also I don’t need the 10b :smiley: But I’m guessing a number like that means a lot to a poor like you amirite :smiley:

Very true. I also never said I did it before, only that its easy and and the knowledge is very easily ascertained.

Any PvE encounter in EVE is easily done with the fit and the knowledge. I’m not sure why he believes this is the pinnacle of EVE or even notable.

Running the site isn’t even the hardest part of a C5 ROFL.

Neither can you, but the pair of you sure like to tell anyone who’ll listen how to fit them and fly them.

Want to show me yours?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

LOL I can pull a random pic off the interwebs too :smiley:

Why wouldn’t I be able to fly marauders?

Isn’t the first step for fitting a marauder to take out the credit card?

6 leopards! I call that good real estate investing.

The ship where I spend more time in the jump gate jump graphics then in regular space.

Epeen thinks that a 200 billion ISK net worth is impressive for someone who’s been playing for 15 years and doing nothing but grinding industry that entire time.

And you know what? That’s not even funny. It’s actually quite sad.

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The dodge I expected.

You are getting caught lying way to easily. Might be time to retire this character and start over.

Then again, if you only fly Catalysts as I suspect, then you for sure don’t need the ISK.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

LOL dodge? Why do you think you got any credibility bruv? All you do is troll on this guy and now you want us to believe that’s your real hangar? C’mon ROFL.

Why would I retire my main ROFL. I think what actually gets you about me is I am willing to post on my main, for good or for ill. Deep down, you envy it.

Also, I don’t believe I’ve actually killed someone while flying a cata. I’ve def killed people IN catas.

The 2 mids is bleh my dude.

Epeen might troll a lot, but I’ve never seen him lie.

With trolls, you know where you stand. You, @Gix_Firebrand you are just a flat out liar.

And liars are way worse than any troll.

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LOL. So you just take his word as bond for a pic with absolutely no way to prove its his?

ROFL. And where did I bro?

Oof. Again man, my pity almost outweighs my laughing at you LOL.

Imagine thinking that hangar is really his. Oh my quafe. Like you made me laugh bro, like for real laugh :smiley:

You lie about two important things:

What you know
What you can do

I’ve never seen Epeen claim to know things he doesn’t, I’ve seen you do it numerous times.

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LOL not really bro. You realize uh, we’re in 2022 right? Literally all the EVE knowledge you need is at your fingertips. And uh, PvE isn’t hard in EVE bro. Fittings and rat/setting/mission knowledge and you good.

And uh, the fact that you think that hangar is his, is just chef’s kiss.

I mean bro, do you want to send me some ISK to be doubled? ROFL.

I don’t think or not think its his hanger – that’s besides the point.

You ask where his credibility comes from? I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Epeen hasn’t claimed to know or have done things he blatantly hasn’t.

You have. I don’t trust you, you lie like a rug… this thread is proof of that.