Trusted Third Party Needed - Challenge Event

Gix, just train for a marauder and do the challenge.

It won’t be wasted training if you go for Gallente and/or Minmatar due to pirate ship overlaps and the usefulness of both races’ large weapons in PvP.


No it isn’t ROFL. You are saying he has credibility, and ergo you believe its his hangar. You can’t have it both ways bruv ROFL.

My guy, all this thread is proof of, is that you have issues. And are apparently incredibly naïve LOL.

Again dude, I can double your ISK. Just send it to me ROFL.

Oh I thought about it. I do indeed eventually plan on training into it. For minnie it’d only take 27d roughly.

However, I am currently having too much fun :smiley:

Also, I already know its a trap, so there’s that ROFL.

Nah. His terms state you can do it anywhere, as long as it’s TQ. Doesn’t have to be his hole.

Honestly if this were open to me I’d probably have done it by now, but it isn’t.


Its really simple. I give him the benefit of the doubt, as I give everyone.
I believe him, until he gives me a reason not to believe him.

he has never claimed knowledge on mechanics he knows nothing about – you have.
he has never claimed to do things he hasn’t – you have.

You’ve lost your benefit of the doubt – he hasn’t.

Oh I know. But you gotta factor in getting to that random C5 alive :smiley: Trust me, he thought he was being clever and was going to be able to kill me without having to kill me.

Sadly for him, I am an EVE player of old and trust almost no one :smiley: It helps keep you alive ROFL.

LOL not really. Heh. Man. The gymnastics you’re doing are Olympic worthy. It ain’t my fault you believe an internet rando’s pic on the internet with no proof LOL.

Also bruv? You know he is trolling you too right? Although I didn’t expect him to drop a random pic. The poor comment seemed to have triggered something in him. Odd. Most experienced trolls don’t get so emotionally invested.

Look bro, I commend you on one thing. You tried. You thought you baited the trap correctly. But we all know what Thufir says amirite?

That won’t be a problem. I can ensure you won’t be tracked, and will also keep you safe inside (to the extent I am able to). I expect a cut, though.

Mmm that is interesting.

I’ll put some thought into it :smiley:

Is that what I think? I can’t remember when last my net worth (not one hangars value) was only 200B.

But before you cozy up with your strawman for the night, feel free to set the liar straight about me being a 1%er. He’s only embarrassing himself at this point.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Gramps, I have no idea what you’re even talking about.

Regardless, bragging about your wealth is gutter-trash behavior. You are literally this game’s lowest common denominator, and have nothing of significance to genuinely be proud about.


ROFL ok sure my dude. Honestly, I don’t honestly understand how you expect to be believed?

Like it genuinely astonishes me :smiley:


He’s so despicable that he has to hide his public profile out of shame.
He runs his mouth in the forum but he doesn’t even play the game… lame lame lame.
Look at his posts, no likes nothing. He’s not wanted in these forum but he sticks around like some beggar at the entrance of a store who bothers every customer and insults the ones who don’t give a coin.
His only contribution to the forum are snide remarks and insults and ISD don’t punish him because he’s become a permanent - although useless - fixture here.
@Mr_Epeen you’re a sad little man.

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He’s a passive aggressive carebear doing passive aggressive carebear things. Nothing more, nothing less.


Hey that rhymes :smirk:


Lol…strange how you’re the first person to jump up and down like Rumpelstiltskin if anyone else makes such a claim.

On the contrary…I like Mr Epeen as he is one of the few here who does not come on with an ’ I am the god of hellfire, and you…miserable little newbie worm…said something that was wrong and are not going to forget it ! ’ type of stance.

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You’re right about that. Ain’t gonna lie.

OMG…there’s now a trail of cringe induced vomit all the way from Jita to wherever I was going with that HAIL L. Is it the Eve Oscar Awards already ? Can’t we have Ricky Gervais do them again ?

No use, Aiko would win every year.

It’s not vomit, fool. That trail is your tears flowing from the spot you first got ganked up to wherever your clone is now cloistered.