Unable to Log into Singularity

Good Day,

I was directed here to ask to have my account activated on singularity. Here is the email below.

If possible would I be allowed to log into the server?

Thank you a lot for any help.

Hello capsuleer, I am GM (NAME REDACTED),

Unfortunately the Player Experience team can only provide support for the Tranquility server. The test server is primarily for the developers to test upcoming features and as such is provided as an “as is” service, with the unintended benefit of allowing players to perform their personal tests. This means that any issues with accessing the test server is not something that the Player Experience or Quality Assurance teams can assist with.

If you are seeing that your password is incorrect then try using a previous password as the test server account information may be outdated compared to Tranquility.

If your issue relates to the test server (Singularity) any support requests, bug reports and feedback would need to be posted to the ‘Test Server Feedback’ section of the forums at the following URL:

Test Server Feedback.

Best Regards,
GM Arbor
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie

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