[UNF-A] Eugales VI Arcology and Terraforming Initiative

Hello pilots, I have another update.

The recent spike in substorm activity in the Shuurga Basin has begun to abate. Due to the unexpected nature of the spike, and the necessity for swift evacuation of personnel out of the basin, a number of materials and equipment were left exposed to the elements for the past ten days, leaving them damaged and in a state of disrepair. To this end, I have authorized a series of buy orders in the Eugales system, at the Eugales VII - Moon 9 - FedMart Retail Centeer, to replace damaged components and materials lost to the storm.

In addition to lost and damaged materials, other materials are listed to further bring the construction in the Shuurga Basin, and other locations, back on track.

A word of warning to those wishing to contribute to this, the systems of Oulley, and Ostingele, traditional ingress points to relatively short transits through lowsec to Eugales have been heavily camped by both pirate, and mercenary entities as of late. Extra caution is advised.

Thank you all for your time, Fair Fortunes.