Useless Nosferatu on NPCs unless BS?

I just realised that you had mis-read my post, I wasnt in a RS, I was in a cheap Vexor fit; I warped into a Hideaway that someone IN a RS was running, and locked and killed the npcs faster than him; including a spawn.

There are lots of lazy players out there, I warped into a Mul Zatar in a Imicus a few weeks ago, killed the structure and retrieved the loot before the other player even realised there was someone else in the site.

For an Alpha account in hisec, there isnt much use for anything bigger than a BattleCruiser, they cant run L4 missions, and scanning down DED5/10 sites is also extremely difficult with Alpha scanning skills.

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DED5 sigs don’t spawn in HS. Only some pirate anomalies can make them spawn in HS.

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