Venture into the darkness with No Visual. [EU/AU/US TZ] [Indy | PVP | Null]

I have become ill

I am in recovery

disaster food review

Come Join No Visual.
Garbit Saken likes to sniff feet and armpits. Everytime I try to shower he forces his way into the room to “observe” my feet and admire my armpits. I am worried and uncomfortable when he does this however my parents say they cannot help as they owe him money. For some reason though this is starting to arouse me. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

If this sort of thing interests you, consider joining NV

Another bump again

freak of the week

live garbit reaction

still recruting!!!

another day another dollar $$$

Still here! If you’re interested in checking us out, jump into the discord and let us know!

Always looking for new friends to come join us!

very active alliance pelase come join discord and chat to one of our fine recruitment officers

Still recruting !!! come check out VC and see what we can offer you, and what you can offer us (if applicable)

thank syou

But I’m the biggest bird, I’m the biggest bird
I’m the biggest bird, I’m the biggest bird
I’m the biggest bird, I’m the biggest bird (Bird)
I’m the biggest bird, I’m the biggest bird (Bird)

eat your vegetables and you can grow big and strong like us

pop into the discord and have a chat with one of our friendly recruiters if you or your corp is interested in joining!

Still recruiting! Pop in and say hi if you’re interested in becoming cool :sunglasses:

Join for fun things like cool things! We do all those things!

join up join down come see what we all about

very active alliance with very active members.

come see what we can offer!

Still recruiting and still shooting!
Come check us out and see what we offer

Come join and shoot some big things. Come chat to one of our friendly recruiters!