Version 19.01 - Known Issues


CCP has you covered in that regard already as more and more characters have just a blank placeholder head instead of a portrait. :joy:

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Good. Now lets get em all called “Irrelevent citizen” and default to Alpha.

Same with all those default name, default pic nobodies.

  • Fixed an issue that stopped the next gate in route from being selected.

Is still not fixed.


While we deployed a fix for this yesterday, it seems this is still occuring for some users. The information we really need to get to the bottom of this is: Are players using autopilot or are the gates in route being manually selected? Are players minimizing, alt-tabbing, or focused on another program during the duration of the jump?

If anyone can reply with some more information on this it’d be greatly appreciated


No autopilot here, just set route and then follow ‘The Yellow Brick Road’ with manual jumping from gate to gate using the ‘Warp to / Jump’ option in the ‘Selected Items’ box.

I had set a 32 jump route and at least half of the time while traveling it would not select the yellow highlighted gate. The first couple of times it happened I automatically selected the ‘Warp to / Jump’ option and then realized I was slowboating back to the gate I had just used instead of entering warp to the next gate in the route. After that I made sure the ‘Selected Items’ box was showing the correct gate before selecting the ‘Warp to / Jump’ option.

Also there was no minimizing, alt-tabbing, or focused on another program during my traveling.

In the past this issue would happen every once in a while. It wasn’t really a big deal since it wasn’t happening nowhere near as much as it is now.

I did have the scanning window open while traveling, I have it sized small just to list any anomalies in system with the map turned off so it doesn’t take up a lot of screen space.



The next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.

Not on auto pilot, simply set a destination and click the “jump” option under selected item, sometimes the out gate (although yellow) isnt selected and I slow boat back to gate, sometimes outgate is selected and i warp.

Not minimizing anything, sometimes Im running two clients and it may not be the selected window, but sometimes it is the selected window.


This has been happening for years on both Mac and PC in my case. Most of the time I am right clicking a station in my assets window to set destination and then just hoping I can click the ‘jump’ button in the selection window, but every 3-5 jumps it just ends up with the wrong Stargate selected.

Probably for as long there’s been this issue where I select ‘jump’ on a gate, but one my ship lands there, it just sits dumbly until I spam the button, at which point it says ‘session change already in progress’ or some crap.

I’m at the point where its more reliable to right click the first square of the autopilot route and select ‘jump to x’ than it is to use the overview and select a gate, then click on the jump button of the selection screen.

I’ve even left autopilot running and found my ship just humping a gate, which its probably been doing for hours because travel is so damn tedious with all the unnecessary clicking and when I’m in a empty pod and shuttle I really don’t care if I get ganked by the turds you keep shielding from ejection out of high security space.


Miss=selected gate user testing: Steps that result in failure (sometimes):

  1. Select destination
  2. Manually jump to gate
  3. Do nothing until jump completes
  4. see if proper gate selected, if so go back to step 2

On long travel there is always a failure sometime (per my experience)


Guardian’s Gala 2021 “Data sites” are bugged!
Access to the Pleasure Hub requires items from 2019 Guardian’s Gala (VIP Ticket and minerals reprocessed from 2019 mining site ore).

How do we complete now that it is 2021?

{No I am not interested in buying leftover stuff from people who ran the 2019 event.)

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The cloaky warp trick is still a thing

You mean it’s possible to get to warp velocity while cloaked by using a MWD for one cycle?

Some ships can even do it with afterburner and some ships don’t even need a propmod at all (Endurance).

That’s not an issue, it’s part of the game, much like putting a pair of eyes on the other side of the gate you’re camping to warn you to get ready to decloak your victim is part of the game.

If you think MWD cloak is an issue, get better at decloaking. I’ve heard approaching them immediately with the orbit command keeps your ship going even if they cloak up. Maybe try that?

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:red_circle: Another fun issue with the new Home Station tab. It does not tell you if you have a jump clone installed in the station from which you are about to death clone away. The old clone service window told you that information and allowed you to install a JC in the station, all from one window.

#CCPQualityUIDesign, making UIs worse instead of keeping existing user quality.


Well you code jockeys at CCP can pat yourself of the back because your 19.01 update successfully broke the only 3rd party app that was really working in game in nullsec. VINTEL!

@CCP_Dopamine - as well as the fact that we can no longer redeem skill point rewards in space, all MTUs when launched now appear 1200 metres or so from the ship, even when launched whilst completely stationary. No mention of either change appears in the “Full” patch notes, so why the changes? The inability to redeem skill points except when docked is really annoying.

While we are at it… Why isn’t THE FIRST destination pre-selected ? It is annoying, especially in Jita and Perimeter to scroll down to find our first destination.

I know it is “a feature” from at least one month ago when I started playing, so no need to tell me. There is no reason not to implement common sense, and having “the first” destination pre-selected is just as common sense as to have “the next” destination pre-selected.

And to the guy who is going to tell me to open a suggestion ticket or something, and telling me there is no guarantee it will ever be implemented, because priority matters, I’m not quite sure the new stargate jump animation was a request, and not sure it was a priority. So I’ll not bet on the suggestion ticket.

Thanks, and have a good day


The cloaky warp trick completely negates the purpose of the blockade runner. Clearly, it should not be able to happen. Even a ceptor running at them full speed cannot always decloak. A cloak can be put on even a frigate to make it immune to being tackled.

Common Misconceptions about Exploits
This passage contains common tactics and other player conduct that is often mistakenly reported as exploits but are in fact not.
MWD Cloak Warp | Using a Cloaking Device and one cycle acceleration on a Microwarpdrive module to enter warp immediately upon decloaking.

CCP decided it is not an exploit and is a legit part of the gameplay.

Its broken, though just not as broken as if one could MJD and cloak at the same time, which one cannot. Shame the restriction on MJD doesn’t apply to all propulsion modules, at least it would be consistent.

If only CCP would accept the cheese and just give the blockade runner a ‘can run prop mod while cloaked’ role bonus then.

If feature requests had a public voting board, at least everyone could see what the community wanted, albeit with the inherent problem of online voting abuses. Probably cut down on the instances where 50 people all want something similar but decide to write their own manum opus about it on the forum.

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I figured a temporary fix for the Jump animation flash. Open your probe scanner and make it full screen when jumping, the Probe window block the flash and animation. When you arrive in the next system minimize the probe window. It’s a bit of a pain, but only takes two click and removes the annoying flashes from the jump gate animation. Got through 50 or so jumps last night with no headache using this method.

Great video and when I use the word fun it can also mean engaging when I think about it. EVE is now longer fun enough to keep me engaged and playing. Bfore the ORE changes I was engaged, having fun, while mining in EVE for 10+ hours a day. Since the ORE change, I no longer engage in EVE because its no longer fun to play. Being reduced to a trit dealer took all the fun out of the game that use to keep me engaged 10+ hours a day. I am not the only one that is no longer engaged in EVE because the DEVS destroyed fun game play that kept us engaged. Hit me up in Star Citizen, it far more engaging than EVE at this point. CCP DEVS destroyed thousands of people fun that kept them engaged and playing EVE. Thats less player vs play content which is bad for everyone in EVE.