Version 19.01 - Known Issues

The launcher is deathly slow.
Taking few minutes once app is launched on 2 different computers to get the launcher window and then even longer to launch a group of chars.

Not just MMOs either - as a film editor I never use the latest version on mission critical projects, always let the bigger guys try upgrading a second machine and reporting back, sometimes for a few months. Same for operating systems whether itā€™s Windows or OSX (& I assume Linux as well :wink: )

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aaaand eve launcher donā€™t work under Linux after today update. cry rivers about it will later in Linux branch.


I never complain, about this game offically. I hate that there is bots, I have CCP doesnā€™t ever do anything to fix this. <<ā€” I honestly think that the chinese should be forced back their own server. They broke theirs now ours is breaking too.
Null sec blocs are far too big.
The ESS change was amazing only think I would like to see, All money does into the ESS. Not a portion. Just my opinions. However. The most recent patch.


Just hit the undo button. There is not one single good thing about this part and almost everything is bad,

To be clear i will link below what is not bad because there is sooo much that is bad.

  • Fixed an issue where the icon for Redclaw Sable SKINs was the wrong color.

Everything else just hit the undo button
And as nice as your jump effect and marking (crap) looks. Itā€™s a hinder to the game.
Iā€™ve heard people complain that it hurts there eyes.
My complain is that you are in the next system and all timers have started(Cloak, Gatefire, added to local) Before the jump animation has even started. Giving anyone already in local and edge.


Fix the game content, not this soppy marketing crap that nobody likes. Stop trying to fix things like fleet finder when there is nothing wrong with it.
Fix the game content. Stop the farming.


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This issue was addressed with todayā€™s patch and should not be happening anymore, if it is please send a bug report so we can take a closer look.

ā€œThe next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.ā€

is not fixed


@CCP_Dopamine One can no longer redeem skill point campaign rewards in spaceā€¦

NO, it is NOT fixed. In fact, from my experience today, it is worse than ever. WTG Boneheads.


The launcher doesnā€™t work for me at all on macos.

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What OS are you on?

if you were asking me: macos sierra

it stopped working after this patch, it just says ā€œunable to launch Eve Launcher.appā€

I was. Iā€™m on High Sierra too. The launcher is bitmappy but it does still work, for the moment at least.

Yeah I tried restarting my computer and uninstalling and reinstalling, so Iā€™m out of ideas. I submitted a support ticket but I am missing the YQX ihub fight :frowning:

Since DT today all of my bookmarks are showing as being at the sun in the probe scanner. The bookmark does take me to the right place when I warp to it, but its not easy to see if I have bookmarked things in system

The ā€œnext Stargateā€ in path to destination problem still remains.

Looks like there are more code paths you need to consider ā€¦ CCP-Dopamine


Would be nice if CCP fixed the bookmark display issue that makes structure bookmarks appear in the sun instead of the structure location.

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This 100%.

And you guys at CCP wonder why thereā€™s an issue with player retention.



And that is why CCP forces bio texts like ā€œThis guy graduated from SWAā€ onto every player because this gives people so much useful information? Right?

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It thought it was just my mind playing games with me yesterday but CCP changed the tab order behaviour of cargo scans again. Instead of adding them one after another in either direction, the scans now appear in random order. I just had the pleasure to scan 6 containers in a relic site. The first 3 container scans appeared in order and then the next 3 appeared after the first result in between the first group of 3. (No, the results are not sorted by range (just in case some tryhard tries to find an excuse for this behaviour).

This is so convenient and a truly great experience.


Its just as useful/useless, theres just not an always useless box there.

Personally, if theres no bio, they shouldnt have a face or a name, imho.