Version 19.01 - Known Issues

Tutorial missions are missing from the agency

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Maybe just me, but my turret animations/sounds all stop after the first ā€œroomā€ of an Abyssal Filament. The damage still appears, so I think they are still working, however, the missing sound and animation makes me think my turrets are not firing all the time.

Lucky you!

Iā€™m so used to it I rarely start slowboating back to gate anymore these days (back when I first noticed it happening years ago, sure, I sometimes didā€¦ once or twice one of the toons would even jump back a sys as the other 2 were jumping to the next systemā€¦ big PITA). as Iā€™m going through my 3 toons and warping them all to the next gate (sometimes I fleet warp and then have all 3 hit the jump command, but usually I just give jump jump jump commands as itā€™s 3 steps instead of 4ā€¦), I just notice ā€œoh, the gate I just came through is selected instead of the yellow/next gate in route, oh welpā€ and click the yellow gate and tap D.

Itā€™s so routine to me I usually just do that x3 instead of worrying about which toons have the proper gates selected and which donā€™t. Though sometimes I do wanna EZ mode it and just do the selected items click, alt tab, click, alt-tab-tab clickā€¦ but yeah, that wonā€™t work if the bug happens, tricksy tricksy! :wink:

Well, as discussed ITT, it was around before the new gate animation (before they first tried it in 2020, too), butā€¦ it does seem that perhaps it, or something else in this patch, has definitely made it a more widespread issue and/or a more commonly occurring issue than it was before!

Thatā€™s really odd. You can search for Charmeout in the people and places search, tho, can you not?

Itā€™s too bad your home station is in a system starting with Tā€¦ I feel for ya, but as my home station is in a system starting with A, I can just use my assets window to quickly right click the station in there and set desto/add waypoint. You could restrict assets to just current region, perhaps, to get a similar shortcut?

As just a tripleboxer, I do feel yer pains. I can imagine multiplying my issue by 3 or so.

RIP. Condolences. At least CCP has noticed this now after years of it existing for some of usā€¦ now it has a chance in hell of getting fixedā€¦ :::fingers crossed::::

you can search but it doesnā€™t return it.

Also This:

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Thanks a lot for bringing this up!

We have many gamers trying EVE Online every day, and some of them are not making it past the character creation process. As we are working on improving the early journey and reducing the information overload, we have been reviewing the number of choices new players face when creating their first character.

While Ancestry is a relevant choice that introduces more depth to the lore of a character (to make it abundantly clear, we are not removing the concept of ancestry from EVE Online), it is not a decision that has immediate gameplay consequences and has often been indicated to be among the ones misleading new players to thinking that this will make a difference in their experience.

Each test we conduct gives us more data and information that we can use to increase the number of new Capsuleers successfully starting their adventure in New Eden. We need to get players in so they can have a chance to experience the wonders of EVE Online, at which point, choices like this will mean much more to them. This is but one part of the journey to set a stage for a third thriving decade for EVE Online!


We have seen reports about some players still having the modified character creator with Bloodlines removed that was tested last year. This is not intended, and we will be correcting that in one of the upcoming releases.


Iā€™ve had the same local chat for 10 jumps now.


ā€œsome of them are not making it past the character creation processā€ - yeah, they STOP being a potential customer the minute they cannot interact with the 3d model. happened to me while testing yesterday, and NO i donā€™t ā€œfeelā€ like submitting a ā€œbug reportā€ since i was a bit frustrated from the experience. Since i have not submitted a bug report iā€™m sure will be ignored, iā€™m happy to make the occasional comment here which will also be ignored. yay. weee.

now, what was i doing again? oh right, playing the game


and come to think of it, if you actually track the metrics as to where in the process the potential subscribers quit forever, and itā€™s at that last ā€œschoolā€ picking spotā€¦iā€™d hazard a guess as to the reason: itā€™s not for over abundance of lore, itā€™s a lack of access of knowing where in relation to the main trade hubs those spawn points are.

i remember when i was brand spanking new and traveling 10 jumps seemed epic and absurd distance to travelā€¦so, yeah, if i was recommending friends play this game (which i donā€™t; i still have yet to post a steam review, btw) those friends would want to spawn near me.

just throwing out sheet anchors here, mate. CCP has a track record of ā€˜fixingā€™ complaints by just nerfing the entire section (just commented to a thread about ā€œwhat do you missā€)

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A fact to reconsider.

In the last 20 months I have never seen a question about ancestry on the Rookie Help channel. In fact I have never heard a question on ancestry from new players in 11 years. What we do get to this day is questions from some new players about the choice of race and its effect on the availability of ships, the ability to fly in the ā€œopposingā€ sideā€™s regions.

I take no pleasure in writing this, I wish devs and players would be on the same side and co-operate as we have done more successfully in the past, but this ā€œthink of the rookies and the retention rateā€ approach the game developer is taking is ā€¦ wrong. Itā€™s not UI elements, itā€™s not ancestry choices, or red dots or bigger bookmark icons that will improve the retention rate. The very poor first experience is more likely due to the complexity of both UI and game mechanics, and the fact that few people can stomach a sandbox game where they have to set goals for themselves. Games usually set goals for players, not vice versa.

A far bigger issue is the total lack of official documentation. Relying on the goodwill of players to keep track of changes and documenting the game mechanics for you (ā€œEvelopedia became too expensive to maintainā€) is not a bright plan.

Relying on the goodwill of veteran players to explain for the millionth time how to run some of the same career agent missions, or how to ā€œsell stuffā€, without doing anything about this botched first experience is in my opinion, and admittedly said in frustration, indicative of a poor understanding of rookiesā€™ real first experience. You really should try to get your information from the players who make a sustained effort in guiding and helping rookies. There are enough of them, visible to any ISD who frequents the channel, to provide you with a balanced view of what the real issues are.

So you are putting yourselves in a situation where you expect to do the right thing for some of the new players and annoying some of the loyal players by taking away elements the latter happen to like, for little to no reason, and for little to no effect.


P.S. I do hope the new Fleet Up! makes it easier for new players to experience the real Eve, which is played in a social environment. That will make an impact on retention rate.


Right click menu from map on ā€œHome Stationā€ doesnā€™t work. I used to be able to right click and set home as destination from map. This feature no longer works.

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Tursiops Truncatus hit on the main point, indirectly. ā€œFunā€
wisdom from the mouths of babes

CCP has this warped concept of ā€˜funā€™ as though they were the master jugglers entertaining, managing, and changing ā€œtheirā€ game.

Extra Credits has a fascinating video about ā€˜funā€™ that sheds a light on the cockroaches of the programmer/development career path. The narrator uses the term ā€œengageā€ when iā€™d prefer to point out that ā€œimmersionā€ would be more apropos


Awesome video man!

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Then these people are too dumb for the game and donā€™t have a place here. Stop catering to people who are not intelligent or competent enough to handle a simple character creator.

The character creator of EVE is not even that complex, it does not even offer many options compared to most other character creators of more successful games. You can only select an empire, one of 3 sub races, a gender, then do some body modification and clothing modification and finally chose your name and starting location. These are 5 steps of which 4 are a mere one click. If someone really cannot manage to do 5 clicks and comprehend the ā€œThis choice is purely cosmetic and does not limit your experienceā€, how is that person realistically supposed to handle the much, much more complex actual gameplay of EVE? It is ridiculous to base the removal of an otherwise inconsequential (but still gameplay depth generating character element) from the character creation just because some incompetent fools are not able to click on one of 3 choices.

It is written in the god damn character creator that this choice is purely of cosmetic nature. Plus, you canā€™t just change your ancestry once you started playing. That makes no sense and muddles the entire concept. And even if they think that it has an impact on their gameplay experience, is this not supposed to be a good thing? ā€œChoices and actions matterā€ used to be a big slogan for EVE. What happened to this idea? Did it get lost in CCPā€™s process to become a stale cash-cow?

But by that time you have removed more and more elements that make EVE a ā€œwondrousā€ place and they cannot make their choices in this particular area any more. Is CCP really that ignorant to not see this? Wait ā€¦ no, donā€™t answer. Your development actions of the last 5 years clearly prove that you are that ignorant. Carry on.


Just to be a counter, is there actually any practical use to the that tab when you open a Show Info?

Im asking, because I would prefer Show Info to give me information on a character, not a cookie cuttered description that has no bearing to the character.

In short, if the person cant be bothered writing a Bio, what use is the Bloodline description?

Getting rid of it was a good thing imho, and I hope it stays gone. Its purposeless and couldve been be argued as misleading.


It is obvious that some guy in marketing told them ā€™ to make more money you need to get more players to play the gameā€™ Then they made EVE free to play. The people who enjoyed the game subscribed and started paying, but many of them quit playing and didnā€™t subscribe. When they asked people ā€˜why did you leave?ā€™ their answers were probably something along the lines of ā€™ I didnā€™t understand what to do in the gameā€™

So CCP began a campaign to ā€˜dumb downā€™ EVE. To make it so the learning cliff was reduced to a learning slope. A game so easy that EVERYONE could figure it out.

Little did they realize that EVE-light sucks. I really donā€™t see them changing their direction anytime soon, if ever. The good old days of EVE are gone for good, and the old players are expected to tow the line, like it or not, cuz itā€™s the new dumber players that are EVEā€™s future.


Iā€™ll be a counter too. I donā€™t think bloodlines matter a whole lot, unless for a level of immersion - if only the vast lore behind New Eden would have been used more explicitly (or efficiently ?) in e.g., missions. There is a vast, unexploited area there, and it has been there, unexploited, for 18 years now. Immersion doesnā€™t go well in a sandbox that is driven by player interaction, in an open pvp universe. So not much of importance is lost.

My critique however is about the direction their efforts take, focusing on details that are of no real consequence - in my opinion, let that be the necessary disclaimer. What exactly are the problems solved with deleting bloodlines, reshaping icons, introducing red dots, or visually re-designing UI elements into contemporary ones i.e., befitting a smartphone screen. Did they have any effect at all on retention ? Does one really think those changes matter if there isnā€™t even a hint of a manual on this game (yes, i do miss the valiant Isktheguide vol.1, that thing was worth its weight in gold bullion, so was the effort and tlc to compile it),

Some of these small changes are just annoying, making some veterans feel quite uncomfortable, while the glaring issues are never addressed. And without year long veterans, this game would have been out of existence a long time ago (income, you know). Itā€™s not alphas who are going to keep it alive, nor players who stick around for 3 months subā€™d.


Day 4 FOUR !!!
and this f*cking KNOWN BUG is still in
ā€œThe next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.ā€

thats when just releasing new sh*t is is more important than playin the gameā€¦ heureka !

The latest patch has made the launcher got a bit bitmappy on my 13" MacBook Pro. The game seems fine, but the text and so on on the launcher has definitely degraded somewhat.

Hereā€™s a screenshot which hopefully will be helpful.

Its just easier to turn something off than develop a purpose for it, I guess?

Less clutter is a good thing usnt it?
Looks at new BM icons

Huh, maybe the right hand should also do what the left is doing.

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