Version 19.01 - Known Issues

Why do they look so terrible?
These bookmarks.


Thanks for getting the bookmarking issue resolved; however, one thing Iā€™d really like to know is why this bug was brought to TQ to begin with? Before the patch went live, it was reported as a bug by players on SISI. If this was the first occurance of this type of issue, Iā€™d have no issue, but it is a recurring thing and begs to question:
Are you all just ignoring input from testers on the test server and SISI a moot point to test on and provide player feedback with?
Should we just not use SISI other than to test fitting changes with, and just yell at you when you break the live server, introducing bugs or extremely unbalanced changes that could have been prevented, so that many people are affected by the time it is resolved?

The thing is, the change was reported, and it feels like (after multiple times of this issue) that someone in the decision making process is just like, ā€œYOLO! Change X isnā€™t that big of a deal, can fix if people yell at us on the live server!ā€ ā€“ which we inevitably do ā€“ and there are times that it is ignored, and makes the game less enjoyable for all.

While the people who make the game tick could have been in the middle of - say, an eviction or its defence, where bookmarking holes is a crazy important thing.
Or someone is trying to use a mobile depot and scout around after refitting, only to find they canā€™t return and get their stuff, so now they donā€™t have a probe scanner and have to pod out with a head full of implants.
These kinds of things could be what pushes a corp, or a player, over the edge and leave the game, or give up on exploration or wormhole life, which is empty enough as it is because of several really dumb changes we screamed about as well.

Just a random thought, considering how much traction bug reports get on SISI.
Maybe just start doing live database edits. Thatā€™ll go swimmingly!


omg fix the route bug already


I canā€™t say I travel that much but Iā€™ve been playing this game for 2+ years now and I canā€™t remember that ever happening to me. Today it happened multiple times, twice in Uedama but I was lucky and nobody shot me.


Started happening to me only today and Iā€™ve been playing since 2015 this time around. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the new gate animation but itā€™s the new gate animation =D

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Changing home station: After i changed home system to the station iā€™m sitting in, the top part of the character sheet still show the old home station. I have to close and re-open the character sheet to see that it updated.


some systems do not come up in the autopilot menu as a system to navigate to as an end point.

ie. Charmerout

There are others, iā€™ve had to pick the adjacent system or just follow the map without the navigation feature.

This icon used to be right clickable. To set my deso home I have to right click the system and find my home station and set desto on that.

Please allow me to right click on that icon again.


Balance updating is 100% slower. most of the time now iā€™m freaking out and need to verify a purchase went through because itā€™s taking ā€œupā€ to 30-40 sec to update after market buys (immediate).

Removed a couple of off-topic posts.

ISD Bahamut

Just make a rollback and remove this useless patch.

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Nah, theyā€™ll just do live database edits next. No need for sisi at all, can just do what theyā€™re doing now and be in triage all day every day.

ā€œThe next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.ā€

To be fair this happened occasionally beforeā€¦but I just went the wrong direction 4 times on a trip to jita.


The next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.

I never comment in Known Issues threads, but this one is really killing me. This used to happen rather infrequently, once in a hundred jumps maybe, but today it has been extremely EXTREMELY bad. Hope this gets fixed soon.

EDIT: I multibox quite a number of accounts that have to travel aroundā€¦ Sometimes 4 or more clients just wont have the next waypoint selected.


Not sure if this has been mentioned already but in the F10 galaxy map you cant right click, set destination for your home station icon like you could before.
Not game breaking or anything but it is a bit inconvenient

i lost a ship on that fu********* bug. On a hot spot i was paddeling back to the ingate which was marked instead of the outgate ā€¦


This bug still not fixed ā€¦ WTF

  • Fixed an issue with the Fleet Finder that caused characters with the required standing to not always be able to join fleets.
    still troubles with that

If you could file a bugreport on it, it would help us greatly to track it down :slight_smile:

The mission journal share link isnt working in game. Please check it !!!