Version 19.01 - Known Issues

Just be glad they try to ship it today. You are literally the Karen of EVE right now.


Mission and Daily campaign panel don’t follow the “transparency” setting in the esc window. With the level of glare we currently “enjoy” they become hard to read, especially with the tactical overlay.

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Never Play on Patchday … still actual since 2008 …

Pleas fix the Bug, that i can’t make BM out if the UI… thx …

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Got an issue with the set destination option. Before patch when you set a destination, on each jump, the gate in yellow was automatically selected on system loading…it’s not the case anymore (not always, just did 35 jumps, lost focus 5 times)


THANK YOU for all your efforts on troubleshooting bugs and adding new features, Devs! Your hard work is appreciated. :hugs:


Sometimes its like a Microsoft ServicePack …

Thank you for the small details you have added, sad we don’t have the same animation when we cross wh but : Drag and drop from research result is great, definitly, I love the animation of jump, the small icon for home station is really cool, and pins on map are way better than previously, still descovering small new things but, good job and thank you.

Oh that one won’t happen, that would make it far too easy to automate a multibox of drone ships by reducing a step

Nice to hear

Only 2008? :stuck_out_tongue:

Its been true since 2004 at the very least


I can confirm this and I also opened a bug report earlier.

Wenn traveling a route It used to be that when you exit the jump gate into a system the next jump gate on route is preselected. That way you could press the jump icon and you would automatically jump to the next system on route. As of today this sometimes fails. Instead of the next jumpgate on route it selects the gate you just came from. This results in slowboating your ship back to the entry gate. It doesn’t happen all the time though. Tested this only in high sec so far. It seems to happen randomly.


In all games since before then, to be fair to EVE.

I was a WoW player from 2005-2008 and it was an extremely bad idea to play on patch / expansion day back then and ever since. I’ve heard the same for pretty much every other MMO ever.

Funnily enough I noticed this on Singularity when I was testing the Jumpgate changes a week or so ago. Clearly something in the new patch over there came to Tranquility with todays patch.

Maybe not, but it sure would improve the quality of life for dozens of fleetmembers who have to manually assign their drones once per site (or once per grid in the case of multi room sites) or more in the case of FC ordering drones in and drones back out and re-assigned to manage drones getting aggro and such… and in case you think I was saying it would be fully automated: they’d still have to A) press the drones out button and B) press the assign button, they just wouldn’t have to hunt for the drone bunny’s name in the watchlist or full fleet list drop downs before clicking.

By your logic, CCP never would have given us the single button press to launch our favorite drone group, btw, which also reduced the steps (for both solo client players and multiboxers and botters alike). And yet, a couple years ago they did give us that.

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This has been sometimes failing for years. I routinely travel long routes with 3 clients and often 1 (or 2) of them will not have the next system pre-selected. The next system, it’s right back to being pre-selected (usually). Since at least 2017, 2018.

The Tutorial section dropped off the Agency ?


Not really the same thing though, launching a specific group of drones isn’t the same as being able to quickly tab through clients just spamming a keybind to assign all your drones to a single person, that should still require the extra step of selecting that person and assigning them

I guess so. There were two ways to launch drones before the shortcut was added. The drag the drone group into space and the click the drone group (either right click launch or left click hold radial menu launch) and both were pretty cumbersome compared to a single keyboard press, tho.

I’m all for anything that makes the repetitive things we do (whether on one or more clients) simpler/shorter/less carpal-tunnel-inducing, and not having to hunt through fleet member lists while assigning drones to who you want to assign them to sure would be one of 'em.

Hell, make it where you can just drag your drone group ONTO A PERSON in the fleetchat’s “guest list” panel. ;D

What are these squares in my neocom?

Add them to your watchlist and just rightclick them there

Looks like a part of a bug in the Fleetup. We are working on a fix :slightly_smiling_face:
Edit: and I believe it´s not fixed if you relog :slightly_smiling_face:

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