Version 19.01 - Known Issues

One other thing, I thought this was a new “feature” and soundly cursed you guys out for it.
Now that I know it’s a bug and not CCP tormenting us, I apologise.

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I suddenly have a lot of random buzzes/squelches since the latest patch. Horrible. That is with Win10. I have not touched my sound system or volume - it is only Eve, and only since the patch.

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Not using autopilot.
Playing with a full screen setting, with launcher closed.
No other programs running or focused while traveling.

Before the patch, gate de-selection would happen 1 out of 100 jumps.
Now it’s most (at least 80%) of the gates.


Yes, the wonders of Eve, like a gang bang from 10 Triglavians in cruisers and battlecruisers scrambling and destroying peacefull players in high sec 1.0 systems coming out of stargates, while faction navy ships sit back and watch the scene with popcorn. Way to go !

Ancestry clearly was not an issue when I created a character for the first time. Being gang bang by a mob of Trigs is. Sad to say, but I hope this sh*t happen to many of your new and old players, and that the Omega subscription plummeted as a result. I know I’m not a returning Omega, and I wished I had waited longer before subscribing too early after character creation. These things (Trigs flash attacks in high secs stargates with navy ship doing nothing) should not happen. If I want to participate in a Trig event, I would go where they are (whormholes?) and I would face the consequence. But coming out of a stargates in high sec and being raped in public and the “police” doing nothing, is not my type of “fun”.


Full rant : Triglavian Fleet Destroying Pods and Ships in High Sec - November 2020 - #156 by Vadania_Danann


Red Dots out of sense and control .
Or a brand new super cool, but useless feature ?

in space

and docked


Is the broken portrait generator a known issue yet?

It seems that as of last week’s changes, new portraits made are reverted to the old portrait after a while.

I wanted to give an alt a new portrait last week, but I’ll have to wait until this gets fixed.


Given that EVE Online has a test platform in the form of Singularity, is there not a case in point here to develop and deploy changes in this platform first?

Give people the opportunity to try out the effects, changes and so on first here, for a fixed and limited period of time; ascertain from this (if possible) a collective view *(love it/hate it, want it/don’t want it, it works/it doesn’t work, etc)*via some kind of feedback form and then if it’s good, works and is liked, then deploy it to Tranquillity.

Is it me or does this seem like a bit of a no-brainer?

To be fair to the Devs (and I do genuinely want to do this because they work bloody hard on this game that we all love and while we are very quick to kick them, metaphorically, when there’s something we don’t like we all probably don’t praise them enough when it’s all going well …) it maybe that they do this somehow already, but if they do, maybe they need to expand the pool of testers some what and maybe actively seek out disabled people¹ to be part of the pool?

1 - I’m disabled for what it’s worth and happy to help if and when you’d like some positive, articulate and helpful feedback.


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yeah they worked bloody hard on red dots and other nonsens. really hard.

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Something is wrong with portrait creation.

This is the portrait of most newbies of one to 5 days old in rookie chat. Only rookies of 6 days or older have portraits. It seems that after the patch, portrait creation broke.

I noticed that new portraits for existing characters cannot be generated: they revert to their old version after half an hour.


Every day, literally tens of thousands of people log on, play, explore, blow things up, build stuff, kill other pilots, mine, dream, scheme, the list goes on and one and on.

I’m definitely not a fan of the red dots, but to not see the bigger picture here would be a bit churlish, IMHO because it means that there’s a ton of stuff that they get right, every day, day in and day out, 365 days a year, 23.75/7 and in my book that deserves some credit, don’t you think?¹


1 - To be clear this is a metaphorical question. Whilst you are entitled to your opinion @Ploing, and I respect this, I’m not actually looking for any kind of answer here. Thanks.


to be fair, since these patch notes got me excited about a ‘fix’ to route selection, i got motivated to channel my passions towards a workaround i could do myself, for myself, which i wasn’t applying in the past because of sentimental reasons. silly i know.

so, in effect, CCP forced me to up my game. which is the way of eve customers: adapt or die.

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What a wonderful patch … oh no wait …
The bug with the wrong selected gates is still in… now on day 8 of the initial release. where it was a well known bug before …

I guess they developers are just laugh about us while we are heading wrong directions :smiley:

To be honest, i am a little bit concerned … heading back to the gate where i came from while beeing yellowboxed … trigs … other players … one more mouse click is a server tick … bad things can happen…

but wait !
CCP Developer are able to colorize the next gate symbol YELLOW, but are unable to mark that line where the symbol is in? wtf - how this is going ? really?


Thats annoying as hell. Cant programmers devise something for years? It happened before too. Quite remarkable.

With new stuff they should fix issues, not make them occuring more often.


I had this same thought. Not sure why they are acting like it’s impossible to fix since they basically already have the code in place to fix it. Boggles my damn mind…


Removed some off topic posts. Please remember to keep all posts constructive, as that is how issues get resolved, instead of ranting. Thank you.

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I cannot seem to log into EVE because the EVE Launcher “updated” itself and now everytime I open it, it seems to open normally and suddenly a window opens up stating that the program has stopped working, and then Windows forces
the program to end. Anyone else reporting this?


Same as above @CCP_Dopamine , literally cannot play the game.


I cannot log into EVE either. I am running Windows 7 and was able to play it fine yesterday. Today the launcher did an update and since then it keeps crashing with a window saying that it has stopped working and forces it to end. I have launched it in Administrator mode, rebooted my PC and uninstalled EVE completely but still get the error when I start the launcher.