Version 21.03 - Known Issues

Something is borked again/still with the character search. I am looking at a character called “Sola Sola Sola”, I literally have its char info open. But the game cannot find the character with other means. Not with the Seach box, not with the Contracts search. The only way to find this character is via the Contact search and the setting “Only Exact Phrase”. However, this is pointless because the setting apparently does not apply to the Search box or the Contracts search. If I try to find contracts of this character, the game just gives me 499 chars with “sola” anywhere in the name but the Sola char I am looking for is not among them. Is this another instance where the game mechanics “reduce cognitive overload, make the game easier to use and the experience more streamlined”?

Likewise: Why does the game need to search for a character anyway when I want to find contracts from the Char Info window? Not only is this bugged as the Contract search requires me to select the character 2 times (this has been an issue for years now and CCP ignored all initial reports since), but it also feels wholly unnecessary because I open the contract search from a menu window that already provides the unique character ID to the system.

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