Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

Yup got my daily then kicked and now can’t login

Is Hammy ok?

Edit: Seems to be back

Please swith ON serwers :slight_smile:

off here :confused:

Is it intentional, that even after delinking from a skyhook reagent silo the restrictions regarding warping, cloaking etc. still persist for a full 10 minutes?

@CCP_Bee the Earn 50LP daily goal still cannot complete when the corp tax is set to 100%.
Please, change the goal to count LP given by the agent, not what ends in the wallet. That is simple.

If you can’t fix this (and I don’t believe that), remove it and/or replace it with a “Gain standing” goal, which fit the same goal (people doing missions… including those busy with an Epic Arc)


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In Skills > Skill Catalogue, mousing over Social shows you the mouse over text for sequencing.

Test stuff properly, yeah?

Change corps or tell the corp it needs lowering.

Most of us have no issues with the 50 LP and find it a steady income provider. It’s a lvl 1 mission mostly done in a few minutes.

Plus you are the only one complaining about it


Don’t worry, fixing this flawed feature won’t hurt you. Yo udon’t need to be a naysayers about this.

Assuming I’m the only one complaining about something is a flawed assumption. Forums are not the only mean to pass a message. There’s a few likes on my comments in the 2 Equinox threads, either by people having the same issue but don’t want to face the forum naysayers, or people who understand the flaw and thought my proposal make sense. And I don’t know how many people plays Eve, but I’m 100% sure that not 100% of players are roaming the forums and I don’t expect each and every one of them to read my comments. Moreso because my comment about the feature is directed to the devs.

I’m not asuming CCP made changes in the past because of my comments, again, like I said, I’m sure other people can pass the messages to CCP through other channels. But, I was the most if not the only vocal person on the forum about the Triglavian gate camps in high-sec, in non-minor virtory system (like Perimeter and others), where the Triglavians were killing a lot of people in front of all sort of empire police ships who were siting there and not fight the Triglavians. There was a few naysayers like you on that topic. In the end, CCP removed the Trig gate camps and moved them to wherever Trig hunters go nowadays. Also, I was one of the 2 vocal people against the Neurolink conduit that was finally removed from sub cap pirate ships in Equinox. If you like tthese ships and were able to grab a few already at a discounted price relative to 1 months ago, or if you owned some BPC of these ships and now feel like it is worth it to build the ships, or if you feel the BPC are now worth something (because at some point it costed you more to build the ships than to buy them built on the market, meaning the BPC were work negative ISK, especially the Gila BPC earned, among other things, with the Guristas Epic Arc), well, you can thank me… and/or the people who talked out of the forum (because again, I don’t assume I’m the only one talking about something just because I’m the one vocal about something)

Again, fixing the flaw with this feature won’t hurt you, so you have no need to be a naysayers about this. For any competent dev, it’s probably a matther of under 30 minutes to fix (they know an agent is giving LP, they know the amount of LP given by the agent, so just count that, not what is left at the end after the corp tax). Plus, like they did with salvaging (I understand they removed that flawed daily goal after complains… on Reddit, presumably because they needed some time to fix it… so they can do the same with the LP goal). Plus, because being constructive is more favorable than being a naysayer, I also suggested to replace it with gain standing with an agent or a corp goal, which would target the same people as those running missions PLUS benefit also those who are doing other type of missions that don’t give LP (like storyline and Epic Arcs)

On this, sayonara

I know nothing about Triglavians, never interacted with them or anything in any way. Never bothered with the content as it never interested me, it still doesn’t, same as the Abysall content, zero interest.

Ship BPC’s, same as above.

(Why you feel you need to bring all that up is strange to be honest).

LP, nobody is making you stay in a corp that rakes in 100% of the LP you and other members earn. Why would anyone join a corp with that restriction in the first place anyway?

So It’s not a mission problem, it’s a you and the other members problem so why not bring it up with the Corp leaders?

Or have they already told you they won’t reduce it down so that you and the other members can be rewarded by the new daily missions?

Because you can’t understand what you read… Not sure if it is worth trying again, but I’ll make it short, maybe you have short attention span (and there is no wrong with that). In very short, I was refuting your bogus arguments about “you are the only one complaining” as if nothing can happen… In very short…

On a longer side, to your uninterest about the Trigs gate camps that happened about 3 years ago, that is fine if you did not got them kill you with an insta lock, warp disrupt, neut, and overal ship and pod kill. Your uninterest is fine, and it doesn’t matter because you won’t have that forced into your throat anytime soon, wheter one likes the Trig or not, they have been removed from the HS gates, so you don’t bother and won’t be bothered. Just like you, I didn’t bothered and have no intrest in Trig invasion, but it was forced on me one time, and now they have been removed. Things that don’t make sense can change.

With that, the 50LP daily goal in it’s current form can change.

On an extra explanation, because you insist and because your counter proposition is a statu quo in favor of mediocrity (in plain english you propose that no change be made on a flawed implementation of that specific daily goal) : CCP has made 100% tax a thing, they should have take this into consideration. Believe me, I look at a lot of player info (and you should do too to gather information on who’s in space with you), and our corp is far from the only one with a 100% tax. It is useful, and if you can’t see the use for it, that is fine, it is probably not for you.

And since you insist, and even if it doesn’t hurt your that this flawed implementation be fixed, because the result, for you, would be the same. By “forcing” the corps to reduce the LP tax in order to complete the daily goal, CCP put the burden on the players of those corps to then take some more time to make the LP donation to the corp… The tax make that donation automatic, hence more time for the players for doing other stuff. And if you are still clueless as to why one would donate it’s LP to the corp, that is fine, and I’m pretty darn sure my answer is totally unimportant to you, because most probably [insert the exact same uninterest you have for Trigs and BPC].

Have a great day, nonetheless

You are missing ‘all ship modules going offline during session change’ from the list.

Literally talking to the wrong dev, Bee was a solo pvp’er with painfully little appreciation for corp/alliance playstyle.


where you finding those missions in null sec champ? Current AIR dailies are incredibly poorly designed. Sit in drone space when you’ve got 2x LP dailies, 1x relic daily. Can totally see why Horde players were livid. It’s just totally inept with such a shallow depth of thought invested in it from a dev team that, besides Swift, don’t seem to understand null.

An oversight at best!

I’m not in null and haven’t been for a while now.

I just chill in HS and watch the universe go by. Oh and read the stress exhibited on here :wink:

But I have just had some of my stuff get earmarked for asset safety , which is a touch irritating.

Hmm, player info.

You’re in ASWAT, with an alt ceo with zero history, I don’t just mean on Zkill or anything, I mean ANYWHERE.

Well Zkill is interesting with the padding but hey ho, whatever floats your boat.

Search your username, or mine in google and stuff comes up about us, links etc. But not about your ghost CEO.

I’ll repeat what I said, it’s a YOU problem, not a game design problem, not a flaw, not a method to rob you of anything in the game.

If it was then I want the requirement to rep someone removing, or shoot a player etc.

As for LP, I’m in my own corp (due to the CEO trusting the wrong player in a previous corp), I donate whatever I like from myself or my single Alpha alt who rarely undocks.

When I was in Provi and other places in Null I VOLUNTARILY donated to the corp, apart from the 2 or 3% tax on missions etc, we never had it forced on us to give every single LP to the corp.

Until you mentioned it on here I had never heard of that being a thing in over 12 years of playing, and I will never fathom why you accept it, but it’s your LP to do with as you wish.

Oh sorry, it isn’t though is it?

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Fair play, dailies probably hit the spot for you then and I’m certainly not advocating that they don’t cater to high sec players, good stuff.

However a significant proportion of dailies dont work for null residents. Rather than defend this because 1 demographic is fine with them, I don’t think it’s much to ask to challenge CCP to actually implement a design that benefits all demographics.

I can literally come up with a bunch of dailies and daily selection designs in minutes (e.g. select 4 out of 12 AIR marked dailies etc) that would do this - as have others already in this thread. I cannot fathom how a design team could be so incredibly short sighted. It beggars belief. Throw in the null sov redesign which is woeful, Scarcity 2.0, like 1.0 didn’t quite hit morale hard enough or tank the pop enough!

CCP designers do not understand their product, I never pandered to such hyperbole in the past, but it’s plainly apparent at this point and they recruit from 1 niche area which they desperately want to force players toward which leaves blind spots a mile wide.

And at the helm you’ve got Captain Happy, the man who with purpose and intent actively designed fun out of the sandpit en masse.


Some of us have been arguing for that for years, none of us really got anywhere. (it will be argued that NS did due to them virtually controlling the csm)

Now as I said, I , ok I haven’t lost interest as such, but I became very cynical about the game, the devs and the csm, not necessarily in that order.

Now I chillax with stress free gaming just doing my own thing relying on no-one as I’m self reliant isk wise and everything else wise.

As for the dailies there’s stuff I can’t do either in HS, like shoot another player etc, so some days I can’t do 2 to get the full rewards, some days I can, same as everyone.




  • Fixed an issue where search results could show systems with 0 available sites in some Agency pages.

This is not fixed. You also “forgot” to add the :handshake: to this bullet point.

  • Standup Fighters and Upwell Structure Ammo and Bombs cannot be stored inside the Infrastructure hold.

This is also not fixed. Some items like Flak Ammo return an error, and others simply don’t move to the hold, no error, just no moving.

Bug report also filed ingame.


Ummm, isn’t the :standup fighters are no longer functional" a really big deal? If you accidentally bricked a navy ship, people can just dock them in an NPC station or even floating in a Control Tower bubble until this is fixed and even if regular fighters are bricked they can float around, but an Azbel is very vulnerable without them and you can’t exactly hide those until the bug is fixed.