Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

The group Sequencing is now on the market. downside is the skills are nowhere to be found :rage: :rage: :rage:

You can buy/inject them directly.

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Boosters & Skins have been stripped out of the rewards, along with Filaments.

Where are you finding these 50+ LP level 1 missions? I have to do a Level 3 Distribution Mission just to guarantee LP reward doesnā€™t fall below 50.

Get really good standingsā€¦? Iā€™ve had some level 1ā€™s giving 50+

Maybe social skills matter, alsoā€¦?

Maybe that is true for Security missions, but Security missions take way too long compared to Distribution.

Same: No visual advancement of Daily Goals track at some stages. Filed an F12 help ticket with before and after screenshots.

Thank for these tips. I am water.

I also park a Venture at a Level 2 mining agent for the the LP / Mining combo comes up. I have specific ships set a specific close by stations to do all the Daily Goals as quickly as possible. LP / Manufacturing or double LP days are a Badger at a Level 3 Distribution agent.

I produce 10 packs of small ammo when I can, just to have substantial quantity at least.

Why the shuttle hate? I fly them all the time. Donā€™t see them in space often though.


The Equinox Daily Login rewards ran 11th to 17th. If it minimized on you, and didnā€™t open automatically for you, Iā€™m sorry. Some days on some characters I had to manually open the Equinox Rewards.

Just quick level 1 or 2 security agents are normally over 50 LP.

A bonus is getting the 25 npc kills at the same time.

lvl 1 is only 20-30 so you will need 2 of them, t2 combat is your best bet for speed and efficiency.

Youā€™re probably right but it still helps with 2 dailies if they come up at the same time.

Nooooo, you still have skin rewards! You get the skin sequencers, which are all over the market because of how popular they are, and you get a loot crate, that probably has more sequencers because theyā€™re awesome, and you get 5 plex to buy that cool skin you just created! :laughing:

And the drug rewards have just been moved from daily logins to twitch rewards, because you shouldnā€™t expect to get things without having to work for them. Caldari Strong :muscle:

Based on this spreadsheet

Iā€™m finding systems with less than a 1000 units of power total, combined between the star and planets. Am I not reading this correctly or will this patch completely change a regions Ansiblex Jump Gate system? The Advanced Logistics Network upgrade requires 1500 units of power. So some systems will not have enough power to run a Ansiblex jump gate.

These power numbers will only allow some systems to be good for ratting, as their upgrades are the only ones that require less than a 1000 units aside from the Cyno beacon.

And as power remains local to the system, unlike the workforce, this is going to seriously change the makeup of a region.

That is correct. Itā€™s been suggested, though, that ice will be an even bigger bottleneck, as the amount of ice produced once you start assuming thefts and losses is quite low, and not able to support even all the potential anciblexes, much less anci + super production

Depends on the mission, Alluring Emanations for example is kill a single rogue drone and bounce back to the agent and consistently has 50+ LP for my various toons.


When SKINR sequencing is completed and skin applied (added to the account) the ship preview window will show the created skin with maximum amount of dirt applied. Regular (non-SKINR) skins are rendering properly on a clean ship.

SKINR skin:

Regular skin:

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Applying a SKINR skin in space will apply the dirt as well, only that dirt can not be removed using ā€œClean shipā€ button while in space. You have to dock with the SKINR skin applied to remove the dirt. Applying a SKINR skin in station and undocking will not add the dirt.

So SKINR loves dirt? :slight_smile:

The named connections skills help with LP. 10% per level for security, mining, or distribution connections