Wicked Syndicate (W1CKD) is expanding our ranks! We are a null-sec corporation with alliance and coalition SOV consisting of multiple regions and easy access to low and high sec. Our alliance hosts multiple PvP fleets per day and W1CKD runs corporation sponsored fleets as well.
Currently, we are most excited to welcome PvP focused, social people who are looking to have a great time. Offering both Discord and Mumble, W1CKD allows for consistent easy communication with your corp mates as well as alliance and coalition members. Looking for industrial and/or PVE, we’ve got you covered there as well.
W1CKD is primarily composed of like-minded mature pilots who are passionate about Eve. We understand that people have lives outside of Eve, and encourage you to live beyond Eve. We are primarily a USTZ Corp, though our EUTZ is starting to pick up. Our alliance has plenty of members in all time zones, especially the EU. While we have a defined leadership structure, the corporation takes input from ALL our members and encourages everyone to offer their opinions and ideas!
What we offer:
- NS SOV space for PvP, ratting, mining, exploring, and industry
- PvP (Subcap & Cap - Alliance and Coalition Fleets)
- Small Gang PvP (Roams & Gate Camps)
- Corp JF Service running multiple times per week at cost
- In region Alliance and Coalition market
- Corp and Alliance Buybacks
- Moon Mining R4 to R64 with moons popping Ever couple of days
- Ratting (Guristas)
- Indy Stations (T2 Rigs for small stuff up to capitals)
- Knowledgeable vets who know the game and are willing to share their insight
- Relaxed atmosphere (both in-game and on Discord/Mumble)
- Corp mining fleets with boosts (Ice, Moons, Anomalies)
What we require:
- Above all, no drama
- Being active and social, Eve is a MMO after all
- Minimal FAT requirement on a monthly basis
- Pilots interested in PvP
- Pilots of all skill levels who want to contribute to a larger goal
- 5M Skill Points
- Spending time in comms. We understand always being comms isn’t possible, but we appreciate corp mates socializing
Come and PvP with us! We have the following content close to home so no blue balls here!
Pandemic Legion (Neutral Standings)
Pandemic Horde (Neutral Standings)
Northern Coalition (Neutral Standings)
Slyce (Neutral Standings)
BOSS (Neutral Standings)
Goons, Init, and TEST stop by often to play!
If you’re still reading, head over to our website’s join form and then jump into W1CKD Pub in game or join our Discord. If we end up not being a fit, no hard feelings. You can also contact Kerl Xplore, Pepey, Crunchbird O’Brien, or Keyer Wicked via in-game mail or direct chat.
Discord: Wicked Syndicate