Waited 19 minutes for solar system to load

Is this a new record? For patience :wink: I jump cloned to a likely unloaded system (Eram, Metropolis) and wondered if I should just re-log. Instead, I did something else for a while. And it did load, everything seems normal now.

Your client has waited 15 minutes for a remote call to complete.
This could mean that the server is very loaded.

Please be patient, chances are that the call will complete eventually but depending on the load it might be considerable time.

18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:19:30 for <function callable at 0x3F97C4B0>::IsFastCheckoutEnabledForUser (RemoteServiceCall)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:19:30 for FastCheckoutService::IsFastCheckoutEnabledForUser (ServiceCall\Client)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for Remote Object Call::GetBoosters (ObjectCall\Client)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for <function callable at 0x3F9836F0>::GetDynamicCelestials (RemoteServiceCall)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for config::GetDynamicCelestials (ServiceCall\Client)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for <function callable at 0x3F9836F0>::GetStructureMapData (RemoteServiceCall)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for structureDirectory::GetStructureMapData (ServiceCall\Client)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for <function callable at 0x398328B0>::GetMyDockableStructures (RemoteServiceCall)
18:35:17	svc::eveConnection	warning	Have waited 00:18:09 for structureDirectory::GetMyDockableStructures (ServiceCall\Client)

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