WarDec System Change Failure

So no proof of ‘victimizers’ then.

Whining harder doesn’t make your lies any less false.

What BS? I gave proof where you wanted.

Meanwhile look at yourself mate. The same old temper tantrum and making baseless claims. Demanding that the game be changed around you, or failing that, asking for people to be banned, not because they’ve done something wrong, but just because they don’t play the way you want them to.

If you don’t want people like me to call you on your lies, then don’t lie.

As of this morning at 23:49
283 wars
76% by two Alliances

I looked though and there are a fair number of 2 or 4 WarDec corps and a few wtih 6-8 that make-up the remaining 68 WarDecs.

…and again, that is something that many others do think is a bit of an issue. If one or two groups is having a massive effect on HS and forcing people to basically play a game of “how do we avoid these monsters”, that’s a broken mechanic.

WAIT, just anchoring a structure for wars is needed? What’s the deal? How much is a, um reitarah? Who cares if you lose it if you can kill stuff? They’ll just be counted as null kills/losses in my book.

Start manufacturing the cheapest ones en masse?

The simplicity of CCP’s plans to charge people tons for wars, counter with mass-production of citadels. Easy answer.


…and you just need to look at CCP’s old data on kill vs loss to see who these bulk wars favor. Heck just go look at the KBs and anyone can see the farming that is going on.

There is a lot more structure kills occurring now, which has increased the percentage of wars with kills. As of right now:

EVE Time 2019-06-09 00:03:17
Total Wars 395
Active Wars 374
Declared Wars 21
Wars with Kills 88
Unique Aggressors 102
Unique Defenders 325
Mutual Wars 7
Open For Allies 47

Death in wars has increased to approx 25% of wars, though it is largely aggressors killing fighters and structures. Ship-ship pvp doesn’t appear to have moved much.

So it looks like defenders are mostly just leaving their holding corp isolated for 1-2 guys to try to defend by manning the structures. Defenders don’t appear to be getting out into space and they certainly aren’t taking out HQs in any successful way (but it is still early on that).

Of the top 10 most agressive groups, one dominates:

Most Agrressive Groups
Corp/Alliance Number of Wars
Jedi Knight Meditation Universe 29
L E G I O N 10
Hell House 8
Vastly Outnumbered 6
Aporkalypse Now 6
Perimeter Police Department 6
Hog Hitmen 6
Pandemic Horde 6
Church of Kuvakai 5

So at this point, I’m not sure, aside from allowing more people to be completely isolated from wars, what the changes have achieved.

More defenders losing stuff in the form of citadels, while not taking the fight to attackers - we’ll just see continued calls for nerfs into the future.

Who was it that said “the more things change, the more they stay the same”?


Cowards hide behind large groups, I love it. -It’s not a direct quote of anyone. Jeanne Baptiste Karr? Don’t see any relevance.

Wow nice research…TY. :+1:

One the one hand, I’m very glad that the station trash will be lowered by this new change. The down side to this is that we’re going to have less diversity of station owners as you will need to be big/competent in order to defend against the bigger farmers.

the more things change, the more they stay the same
Yep, as it’s been pointed out many times in this threat by a proponent of the change, there are no more griefer wars apparently. :rofl:

I still think the simplest way to greatly neuter this is by just introducing a sliding scale on the number of WarDecs a corp can open at the same time. Tweak as needed in the future.

What we are seeing is that the defenders don’t really know how to defend their structures.

Most structures we kill are fit with missiles, neuts and ECM + fighters.

We mostly see a defender that will focus their fire on a single target, including both the neuts and ECM, even though Leshak fleets are remote rep.

If they focused their DPS on one target, but neut and ECM other members of the fleet to reduce the reps, and just get a couple of out of corp players to bump with Macharials to break the fleet up, they could actually defend.

There’s just not a lot of competence at the moment.

The only competent defence we have faced so far has been CODE. who bought in a fleet of Tornados and forced us to switch to bombers.


@Cypherous is bang on when he says that if you can’t defend a station you shouldn’t be putting on up. I can’t argue with that as I totally agree with it.

But when you have a corp with close to 175 active members operating in 115 systems, the other side of the scale is looking pretty borked. All this is doing is turning HS into a mega-corp only area for stations or those that will gamble with not being noticed (a valid tactic) and put one up anyways.

It’s going to be interesting to see where this lands in a month or two…a lot less stations I’m guessing and a more back to NPC life for many indi-types.

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What’s this?

Use of a brain.

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No I mean the use of neutral bumping without penalties. Where have I seen that before? :thinking:

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If you have to ask that question given your one dimensional posting, you need to trade yourself in. Clearly defective.

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So you know the answer. We’re arguing past the sale that bumping is an act of aggression without consequences. One of you people finally admitted it. Can I quote you in future debates?

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This isn’t a thread about that dumb crusade. Use whatever legal mechanics are available. Defenders could gain a lot of advantage using a couple of Machs. It’s a perfectly valid thing to do for them.

I don’t give a ■■■■ what you do. I’m not the one always crying about bumping. It’s available for anyone to use.


Thanks. This is the image I will save for posterity.

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I think you are confusing Scipio with Dracvlad…

Except Drac would agree with this

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Awesome. I’ve never been against the current bumping mechanics, so not sure what you think you’ve scored in the this thread.

I’ll repeat the same thing in the future. It’s a good tactic, especially against Leshaks because it not only breaks up the fleet, but can also be used to advantage against the limited range and mechanics of disintegrators.

Bumping is a perfectly good mechanic to take advantage of, for anyone that can use it. Citadel defence is an area that it can be used effectively by smart defenders. So far, in our experience defenders haven’t learnt how to defend their structures (and most probably never will sadly).

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