We C.A.R.E. about your Eve

Hello and thanks for reading this.

C.A.R.E. Is a community/social corp that is looking to open it doors and start helping new and existing players find like minded people to experience this game with.

We are not centred around a specific play style. We would love for people to come to us and just enjoy the game. If you want PVE, PVP, mining, wormhole exploration, abyssal adventures and anything you can think of we’ll help you to achieve the goals you set.

We ask nothing of you in corp, but we are always there to help if you need it. Real life always comes first.

I made a discoed for if you have any out of game questions.

Welcome to the C.A.R.E. Home

If you have any in game questions just send me an i game mail.

Thank you for getting this fair, have +1 internet for that.

Kind Regards


Still looking.

So drop by, say hello and let’s make some isk and have a laugh doing it.

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