[WH] Wormlife Alliance recruiting small corps/individuals

Don’t like drama? Want the freedom to largely do your own thing, but to have a reservoir of pilots you can fly with and industrialize with?

Interested in wormholes? Consider the Wormlife.

Interested in wormholes but not looking for a pressure cooker for your time in game? Let’s chat.

Are you still looking for new home? Maybe you have just found it!

Join us today :slight_smile:

Still opened!

Join us today!

Hey hey hey! Don’t forget to join us :wink:


This sounds almost exactly what I’m looking for. I’m a individual pilot with just under 9m sp (Primarily in missiles, scanning and covops presently). Previously of another WH corp - they had taken me under their wing to show me the ropes/pretty explosions. After an unexpected and unavoidable break of about eight months, I’ve found my old corp to be more or less a ghost town, with most of my worldly belongings gone, along with their erstwhile Fortizar.

I’m pretty green about gills when it comes to PVP, but I am eager to alter that. I can get about in WH space pretty comfortably and I’m familiar with mapping. Happy to act as a scout for the benefit of my corp.

Long term I’m looking to get into all aspects of small gang PVP, but I must confess I am pretty enamoured of Stealth Bombers.

Hopefully you’ll consider me. I know my SP is probably a bit low, but I’m not looking for hand-holding. I can support myself in ISK well enough doing explo and I’m only looking to learn how to make things explode, preferably from great distances and with much cloak and dagger. - Your advert was definitely the most interesting, not least because it had the best spelling.

These things are important.



Good evening! Unfortunatly, i am off for tonight, but i will mail you in the early morning and tomorrow evening i hope we will be able to have a chat.

Best regards, Doctor.

Alright then, thanks very much. I’ll be on tomorrow evening.

Until then o/


What’s the good word?


Sorey, just came back home. Will be in game in a few minutes.

Interested in wormholes? Consider the Wormlife.

Rock’n’bump. Join our family today!

we are still opened :slight_smile:

join us today!

Join the most friendly alliance in EvE :slight_smile:

Still opened!

Join us today!

Interested in wormholes but not looking for a pressure cooker for your time in game? Let’s chat.