What Actually Is Eve Online?

:rofl: Thats EVE in a nutshell!

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Eve Online does have its limits.

I think that Eve Online needs to push those limits by expanding space that would require players to locate new solar systems, outside of the main map.

First a system node would be needed. Once probed using the best skills possible, a jump gate would be built, by a player corp or NPC corp that would be used to access the new solar system.

It used to be a game where you could spend hours with pleasure.
Today, it is a shadow of those days, monotonous and boring, with no vision for development and a constant or decreasing number of players. PLEX destroyed the economy, and the game’s twisted logic finished the job. It looks like the creators have lost control over their actions.
I come here less and less often to remember the good times.
I forgot to mention the super arrogant customer service.

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Not mention how corporations and alliances seem to be more involved with data mining players for real-world coincidences.

Eve is a socialist version of mankind in the future if you allow total corruption and greed to decide the fate of all.

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Why don’t you vote with your wallet and leave? Bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. That attitude certainly won’t be missed, so good riddance.

Dryson, serious question, and do please give a serious answer?

Why do you even still play EvE? You’ve been complaining about the exact same bulls##t for over a f##king decade now. Not a single complaint or argument you’ve had has changed a single bit in over 10 years, yet you continue to come here and waste everyone’s time with arguments no one listens to anymore. Why?

Wouldn’t you be much happier playing a game where your ideas of a good game weren’t game ruining for almost everyone else?

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Worth asking again.

Unfortunately, the forum archives are down and current one doesn’t quite go back far enough to dig up the “greatest” Dryson Anti-Ganking Brain Fart.

Dryson, would you like to remind all the lovely forum people what your “Scissoring” idea was? I may get the specifics wrong if I explain it. It’s been a few years since I re-read the thread for laughs. :grin:


Eve online is also about asking questions even when the answer is right in front of your nose!

Q;> do the items that don’t have an expiring date stay there for long or do they need to be consumed straight away?


What is it with the biggest whiners invariably being people who don’t have a killboard record in 3 or 4 years or more. Again and again and again there is scant evidence that those who whine the most about the game actually even play the game.

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Probably for the same reason he runs a thread on astronomy yet doesn’t seem to know anything about astronomy.

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It’s a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is why @Felix_Frostpacker is the best EVE player ever, because of his elite roleplay as @Iceacid_Frostpacker over the years. :wink:

He sure got the roleplay bit down pat.
You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves, taking advantage of such a great guy like him.
Give him back the 1b isk you extorted from him and maybe I shall hold you in higher regards.


Shame on you.

:wink: :blush: :popcorn:

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Roleplay is boring. I prefer to let my Hybrid guns do the talking :wink:
Counting the days… 2 more days 'til log-in.

You can always engage in surprise PvP roleplay with the Frostpacker clan. :innocent: