What do players want?

Trig 2.0?

Trig 2.0 x 2 or x 3

Player retention is not hurt by EVE’s Learning Curve. It isn’t that steep that new players don’t understand/can’t do and quit. No need to be a genius to play EVE, just have a functional brain.
Player Retention is hurt by the lack of depth of some activities/careers, the returns of said activities vs the risks and the inavailability of ships/modules due to Skill wait time.

EVE doesn’t need another faction either. It needs its different parts working properly as intended.


Thank you for your ideas

Maybe it’s time to unleash the mighty Sleeper technomancy
A dwindling race of technological superiority
Maybe interacting with them and using their technology comes at a price
Pay them X or they demand a tribute.
Maybe stealing their technology comes with real consequences
Attacking fleets, attacking player resource or mining operations, setting up FOBs of sorts.
Similar to Trig but more sophisticated and diverse in their tactics.
Maybe entering Sleeper deep space is a one way ticket or requires something their end.
The storyline could be a long gradual build, with subplots and sleeper incursions, leading to their endgame.
No one would be safe, blue coalitions, Trigs, factions etc etc

Mike posts on the forums too. Pretty sure he isn’t a null player, as he’s constantly in new player systems giving stuff to new players.

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I’ve maintained for quite a while that the first 20-30m sp needs to be gained significantly faster than after that amount.
New players want to get balls deep in whatever their path requires. Getting to that point is such a pain in the ass. Months of omega time, generally speaking.
Seed t1 ships and modules by npc’s to rebalance the market.

Another thing players want: CCP to not post a bunch of information to reddit and then refrain from posting it on their own forums…


I know it’s impractical, but the ability to create your own ship designs (using standard roles/slots etc to avoid unbalancing). Can you imagine the hilarious hulls you’d see out there?
ps to clarify this would be cosmetic only
pps wonders how long it takes someone to suggest what I think will be suggested

Nah, I’d be fine with that. For ease of discussion, say CCP’s navies ships have 10 points, player ships could be limited to 8, so they’re never going to be quite as good, or versatile or something.

I mean… there are empires out in the null areas that have far more resources and space than the empires in high sec, and groups in WH’s that definitely have much better access to advanced tech, too.

Now, I get the argument for game balance and ‘officializing’ ship designs to be bought on markets and all that and why it’s impractical from that angle. But yeah, it’s kinda silly that player empires are still using Empire tech to do anything, rather than designing their own.

Oh I see, he’s looking for unsuspecting victims for what he calls PvP. And here all this time I thought he was serious about all that NullSec jive.

I just spent a half-hour in local in Amarr III. That’s enough to make you miss the forum :roll_eyes: So sad.

Life is beautiful, it’s PEOPLE who are rarely fair with each other.

But I like the vid. Thank you.

Would the correct answer be, mine in peace?

EVE is doing pretty good in that regard: skilling until level 4 is 80% of the effectiveness for only 20% of the training time.

Does it have to be rouge or can we also pick other colours?


An excellent discussion, keep it up…I have unfrotunately removed a number of off-topic and rumour mongering threads.

ISD Bahamut


Somebody hates rouge drones…

An interesting discussion here on a “Salvaging profession”

This idea really has some merit
Certainly worth considering

Thank you

It’s a very broad subject and bound to go off in many tangents

I’m new to this tbh, but have a lot of ideas
Do DEVs read these forum threads?

I was first attracted to EVE Online because I was told it was a vast, dangerous, cut throat universe with no safe spaces where you could die and lose everything at any moment.

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Trying not to be bitter vet.

  1. Fix the most obvious bugs–like having to reset the asset box to unscramble the overlapping lettering nearly every time.

  2. Immersions–both PVP and PVE could have deeper emersions-- things like changing the sound effect such as a titan’s rolling thunder when it hits the grid coming out of warp, and frigate pop sounds. LS would be so much more alive with faction style combat between pirate NPC groups, fill in some of the ship gaps with competition and new designs that show adaption to the PVP play–things like an Indy carrer with teeth (imagine something like a deepspace with bonus and slots for small guns something akin to the sailing Indiamen ships of yore), or an Ore blockade runner with one configurable slot for customized extra cargo) etc. There’s so many things that could be done.

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Ignore hello kitty, they are bitter and ranting at CCP every chance they get because CCP hasn’t done changes they want for their personal gameplay style regardless of the overall picture.
Yes CCP Devs do read these forum threads, they won’t often comment because we as players love to take an off the cuff comment by a single Dev as a promise by the whole of CCP to do a particular change in an exact way.




I want eyes, too … and a new ship when my shipskin expires. Although I don’t think I need eyes. So far been doing good without. That’s it for now. I’ll get back to you


Removed some off topic posts. Keep it civil and on topic. Only warning.