That theme song sounds like it inspired ambient musics of Final Fantasy VII.
The word “operator” triggered not one, but TWO sudden track attacks by Ishtanchuk…
Kraftwerk - Pocket calculator (1981)
♪ I’m the operator with my pocket calculator ♫
And then…
Depeche Mode - Puppets (1981)
♪ I’ll be your operator baby
I’m in control ♫
…and now, for something completely different…
Rosa León - Canción de cuna para Julia (1986)
Translated lyrics, with a note: in Spanish, “sueño” means both “sleep” (the act of sleeping) and “dream” (the act of dreaming) thus the original poem can be read both as sleeping and dreaming
A lullaby for Julia
Boys go through the earth
And girls through the air
Through dream/sleep nobody
Nobody nobody nobody
Through sleep nobody
Boys walk on the shore
And girls on the water
On sleep nothing
Nothing nothing nothing
On sleep nothing
Boys stride on the Sun
And girls stride on the Moon
On dream Julia
Julia Julia Julia
On dream Julia
Julia Julia Julia