What music are you listening today? II

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…and now, for something completely different…

The Stranglers - No more heroes (1977)

♪ No more heroes anymore! ♫

Maybe they should ask Bonnie…

Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a hero (1984)

uh-uh… wrong lead…

…but I think this song is more about being f…ed all night long, which is a noble endeavour every woman should try at least once.

Or twice.

Maybe she knows…

Blondie - Call me (1981)

What, no phone number provided? Darn Debbie, you selfish b****…




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…and now, for something completely different…

(…but kind of related…)

Ray Stevens - Would Jesus wear a Rolex (1987)

Reach out and give money!

Oh WAIT… Broken Peach is a SPANISH band! :es:

And their Halloween specials are just awesome. If this video doesn’t brings a smile to your face, your taste is seriously different from mine!

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…and now, for something completely different…

Sophie May - Wish I was a single girl again (2024)

It’s not the original version but I like it. And it kind of fits with Valentine day, in a black humor way…


…and now, for something completely different…

Art of Noise - Legs (1986)

Something easy listening and fast from AoN.

Also, what actually brought me to this piece…

Art of Noise - Camilla - The old, old story (1986 album version)

Probably you would like to meet her.

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…and now, for something completely different…

Okuma - Kalkutta (2022)

This landed in my YT feed some days ago. Many replays later it’s been approved for sharing, but I can’t tell whether Yt suggested it for the music or the thumbnail…

…because, you know…

Ratatat - Loud pipes (2006)

…this one has been replayed quite a bit lately in my neverending horizontal scroll of music…

…but also this, because everyone needs an uplift each now and then.

Ratatat - Abrasive (2015)

If his song and music video don’t uplift your spirit, go sulk elsewhere, you esaborío!

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The Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is stronk with this one:


She could do with a few lessons on how to apply her makeup.

Also she needs to eat more, looks anorexic.

…and now, for something completely different…

Poco - Rose of cimarron (1976)

…of cimarrooon…♫

Go and earworm the unearwormed, you Rosa of the cattle gone wild after leaving the herd… which is what “cimarrón” means in Spanish, then English speaking people loaned the word from the “vaqueros” (cow men, or cowboys) doing their thing in Mexico until the USA stole half the country and all that became Texas (“roof gables”), New Mexico (new “land of the Mexica people”), Arizona (“a very dry place”), Colorado (“red colored”), Nevada (“a snowy place”) and California (“a mythical land of wealth as hot as a furnace”) and suddenly the people living in the unstolen southern half of the country became strangers in the ill-gained new land of the bully.