1 hour later at 01:17 Sun Feb 28, 2021:
Tino Rossi - J’attendrai, 1939
2 minutes 55 second(e)s
1,401,816 views • Feb 1, 2008
1.4M views - 13 years ago
48.1K subscribers
Vient chercher l’oubli
an unintentional failure to notice or do something.
“was the mistake due to oversight?”
Similar: _ mistake , error , fault , failure , omission , lapse , inaccuracy -
the action of overseeing something.
“effective oversight of the financial reporting process”
Similar: _ supervision , surveillance , superintendence , inspection , charge
A Kiss To Build A Dream On (1951) - Bing Crosby
7,680 views • Aug 11, 2016
7.6K views - 4 years ago
11.7K subscribers
from October 31, 1951 Bing Crosby Show
orchestra directed by John Scott Trotter
Music and Lyrics by Harry Ruby, Bert Kalmar and Oscar Hammerstein II
Making believe they're true, not through.
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
2,565 views • Mar 21, 2019
Van Morrison
212K subscribers
Provided to YouTube by Legacy Recordings
A Kiss to Build a Dream On · Van Morrison
The Healing Game (Deluxe Edition)
℗ 2017 Exile Productions, Ltd. under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment
Released on: 2019-03-22
Composer, Lyricist: Bert Kalmar
Composer, Lyricist: Harry Ruby
Composer, Lyricist: Oscar Hammerstein II
I’ve started a thread like this in several forums, and they usually grow large and old in a quiet and interesting manner. Lots of music to learn of, recall about, and just share.
Like, for a different matter now, this oldie…
The Art Company - Susanna (1984)
Or, its original Dutch version by the same band under another name…
VOF de Kunst - Suzanne (1984)
…and even a Italian version by no less than the Adriano Celentano…
Adriano Celentano - Susanna (1985)
Celentano’s version changes the lyrics to the misfortunes of a lover who’s chasing a woman always avoiding him
And there’s a version in Spanish too by Ricky Martin, but so far I’ve already taken 13 minutes from the life of anyone watching all three videos above so I’ll call it a day…
Big Empty (acoustic) - Stone Temple Pilots
384,368 views • May 23, 2009
383K views - 11 years ago
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (Official Music Video)
42,734,881 views • Oct 26, 2009
42M views - 11 years ago
Stone Temple Pilots
236K subscribers
Justin Bieber vs Toto: Coincidence? Let’s Compare
407,073 views • Feb 24, 2021
407K views - 6 days ago
Rick Beato
2.17M subscribers
pozdro boston…
nie przestaja w probach zmieniania nas na swoje podobienstwo… mamy latac za hajsem, skakac po drabinie, a tak naprawde znow pozwolic im zblizyc sie do nas na tyle blisko, zeby mogli dzgnac nas w plecy…
nie moga dzgnac nas w plecy, za nami jest sciana…
dlatego dzgaja nas w serce…
zasadzamy PA?..
pod koniec ziomeczku…
czyli kiedy?..
nie wiem… za 4? 8? 16? 2048 lat?..
uwazaja ze jestesmy opoznieni…
jezeli nie potrafia zaakceptowac nas takimi jakimi jestesmy, ani zaakceptowac naszych przekonan, to znaczy, ze nie sa warci naszej przyjazni…
nie rozwiazales jeszcze zagadki trojkata ziomeczku?.. latasz za hajsem, skaczesz po drabinie i nie masz serca… dopiero wtedy moze nastapic polaczenie… jestes juz gotowym produktem, gotowym do samodzielnego dzialania w systemie…
wracamy do naszej jaskini ziomeczku, a ci od programowania czlowieka na podobienstwo maszyny musza postarac sie bardziej, bo sa niezmiennie chujowi…
The server couldn’t take the funkyness of that bassline :’(
But it’s being whipped into shape and should be up and running… now?
We had reboot TQ after the downtime so people might be slow in coming back in, but I’ll follow up on the mac issue. Send me a pm if the problem persists, lets not clutter the purity of the music thread.
I just DM’d you, look for an icon on the upper right corner of the forum.
jutro Cie przemagluja, beda zadawac dziwne pytania, sluchaj wszystkiego grzecznie i uwaznie… witamy w programie naukowym…
pozdro wilmington…