…and now, for something completely different…
Françoise Hardy - Si mi caballero (1971)
There’s something haunting about this song…
Yes, my knight
I would like to be
The white dust
Who follows your flock
Yes, my knight
It would be enough for me
To be a blade of grass
That sticks to your skin
This white house
Surrounded by flowers
During your absence
Is like a tomb
If I were dust
I would follow you
If I were a blade of grass
You would take me
I would be gentle
At the gates of sleep
I would make myself a fountain
When the sun burns
Yes, my knight
It would be enough for me
On your dry lips
To be a drop of water
(Admittedly there is a grammar and spelling error… “Si mi caballero” would be “if my knight” whereas “Yes, my knight” should be written “Sí, mi caballero”
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